Setting the First Base

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Soon, we were settled in the lounge. Hermoine'd given us some of our stuff. Ron and her were busy in the kitchen and I just sat on the couch, staring at the necklace.

"Hey." Ginny nodded, sitting beside me. She had Dumbledore's diary open in her fingers. She crossed her legs and read something in it, "Crimson Patricia was right." She licked her lips.

"Who?" I crossed my legs sitting beside her.

"That old woman who told us about Bathilda, at the wedding." She told me, placing the book on her and my knee.

15th September, 1909

Bathilda talked to Aberforth. He confided in her. The messes in our neighborhood's been created farther. He says Bathilda understands us.

Ginny read out. I read the rest of it. It seemed to be a few words about when he seemed to have moved into the area.

"I cant believe he lived in Godric's Hollow." I shook my head.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and threw my head back.

"Show me?" She asked for the note from the locket in my fingers. I gave it to her.

To the Dark Lord,

I know i will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret.

I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.

I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.


She read it with scrunched brows.

Pausing and then sighing, she turned to me.

"Tell you what." She tapped my chest, I sat up, "Here you go."

"What?" I looked at the diary she placed in my lap.

"Get to know him, Harry. I'll let you tell me." She smiled. She saw my distraught at the wedding. That blew through me. Kissing my cheek, she smiled, "I asked Hermoine and Ron to make noodles. Stacked up in the pantry."


A chittering noise occurred around when the locket spun on the table. The room was cold and nothing was visible. Then suddenly, out of the dark, I saw him approach. Laugh on his face, eyes in dark.

"Haaarrrryyyy." I heard a hiss and the locket sprinted up and started spinning on the table again.

"Keep it safe." He hissed and then a green light sprang.

I gasped awake. Rubbing a hand on my forehead, I looked around the lounge. Hermoine slept on the couch opposite mine and Ron between us on the floor. Hermoine's hand draped down the side of the couch nearing Ron's fingers on the floor. Ginny was asleep with me on the couch, tucked between the back rest and me. Half of her on top of me with an arm and head on my chest. She shook her head slightly, tucking her head in my chest which felt nice as the flowery scent from her hair, blessed my senses. I picked up my glasses from the table behind me and she moaned, waking up and looking up at me.

"You okay?" She hummed.

I nodded. She sat up on her arm, rubbing her eyes with her free hand. I followed up.

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