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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I met Dean in the Common room around seven and he asked me to follow him. He took me to the fifth floor and stood in front of a blank wall. Slowly, two giant doors appeared and i recognized it to be the mythological Room of Requirements. Never knew it was real.

Inside, was a mirrored room with a large open space. I watched Harry forming two lines towards a metal dummy holding a fake wand.

"Expelliarmus." Harry waved his wand, disarming the dummy.

"Expelliarmus." Neville spoke beside him, nothing happened.

"Keep practicing, Neville." Harry tapped his shoulder and everyone dispersed. I faced Dean and winked at him.

"Expelliarmus!" I muttered and disarmed him. Giggling, I waved his wand in my fingers, catching it.

"Hey, Gin?" I turned to find Micheal standing, "Can we ... pair up?" He looked behind me. I pursed my lips and handed Dean his wand before getting to Micheal. Half hour later, many students got the hang of it but I had to leave. I walked to the door when I felt a tap on my back. I turned to find Harry.

"Hey, where're you going?" He asked.

"Detention with Umbridge."

"Why do you have detention?"

"She knows I wasnt in bed all night."

"What do you mean?"

"I was out on the grounds. Just went out for some air and came back this morning. Of course, I have to come up with a different story for her." I snickered, "Well done, Harry. I have to go. Bye."

"Wait. I saw you earlier. You did it right in the first-"

"Wasn't my first time. Dumbledore taught me a lot of spells." I smiled, "But Im not as good as you. I'm looking forward to a patronus lesson. They really look up to you. Good luck." I squeezed his hand and then finally left without another glance or word.

Umbridge did what she'd done to Harry, just except for my hand, it was my good arm.

Obedience is law.

It what was etched in my skin. It hurt loads but I kept a nonchalant attitude. She was irritated by the end but still i stood my ground and left. She couldn't expel me. Not without great cause. I wasnt just a student after all.

I went to the common rooms and no matter how many times I used a revival charm, my skin won't repair. I decided to ignore it by the end and entered to find Harry, Ron and Hermoine crowded by the couch.

"Hey." I pulled down my sleeve, approaching them.

"What'd she do this time?" Harry asked, wrapping his arms around his knees.

"Nothing special. So how'd it go?" I sat beside him, grunting.

"Well. Everyone seems super excited." Ron chuckled.

"Yeah. I saw." I nodded.

"Hagrid's back!" Hermoine giggled.

"You met him?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Oh, you like him?" I was excited.

"Who?" Ron's face twisted. I snickered.

"Grawp, I mean." I smiled looking around.

"When did you meet him?"

"I was with Hagrid all night. He found me by the lake and after a bit of asking, he took me to see him. Spent the whole night talking to them." I smiled.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now