The Prophecy

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Luna led us to the forbidden forest and deep in an openly lit corner of it, stood the Thestrals. They were the most beautiful dark creatures I'd seen. I'd heard that they were hideous enough to be compared to the cruel joke of death but I disagreed. They seemed to be a peace to the turmoil of those in the teasing pain of death.

"So? What are flying?" Ron asked, looking around.

"These... of course." Ginny whispered, reaching a medium sized Thestral that bent to her face level and she caressed its muzzle with the tips of her fingers. She was smiling. I wondered how she could see them when she didn't at the start of the year, then that dark night of her tears came to my mind and I shook it off. Darcy's death.

"These what?" Ron asked.

Ginny looked at him confused.

"These are Thestrals, Ginny." I walked to her, rubbing the forehead of the one in front of her, "They are known to be visible to an eye that's seen death in action." I spoke. She looked at me, brows furrowed and then they relaxed as she visibly gulped loudly.

"So, Ron and Hermoine can't see? How do they fly?" Neville asked.

"You can see them?" Ginny asked. He nodded.

"Oh, um.."

"My Grandad." He answered without any of us asking. He knew we were thinking it. Ginny rubbed his shoulder and all four of us, stared at confused Ron and Hermoine. We helped Ron and Hermoine, each atop a Thestral. Luna settles them right, getting them to hang onto the mane of the horse so they don't fall off. Then all four of us, sat on ours and soon were in air. Luna spoke that that the Thestrals didn't need a direction, they would take us to our direction.

"This is bizarre!" I heard Ron scream as Hermoine and him flew beside me. Ginny, Neville and Luna flew together, lower than us, all together. They were happily staring at each other. I realized they could see each other's Thestrals as well and that friendship seemed like a trio not many saw in the light.

Soon, we were walking in the Ministry. I'd taken us through the same telephone booth entrance, though crammed, we fit well. The Ministry was empty. It was odd how it was like that. We didn't care much of it and I led them straight to the Department of Mystery. Wands out, we walked into the Room of Prophecies. The shelves were lined up but I had my eye for the corner I'd seen Sirius tethered in. I ran. I could hear the steps behind me but not as hasty as my own. I knew they were scouring the area so I let them.

"Right here." I stood by the shelf where I'd familiarized my destination spot, "He was supposed to be right here." I lowered my wand.

"Harry?" Neville standing a few blocks away, "This's got your name on it." He was looking at a crystal ball, sitting at his eye level. I gulped and walked through the crowd of my people to it.

S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D
Dark Lord
And Harry Potter

For some reason, after reading my name on the worn out piece of parchment, tagged to the ball, I looked back to find Ginny. Our chat about Prophecies came to mind. She was standing behind Neville, holding her wand up. She nodded for me to take it. I picked it up, readying myself to hear what it would say.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives..." Professor Trelawny apparition in the ball spoke, choking on her words.

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