After The Poisoning

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


When I reached my bed, I found Ron sitting by the window on the floor, staring out dreamily.

"Its beautiful, isn't it?" He sighed.

"Yeah, divine." I tilted my head confused and picked up the trash, "God, Ron, what did you do here?" The candy wrappers were all over the place.

"They were on your bed. Thought I'd give one a try." He stood with chocolate box lid in his fingers. It qas red velvet heart.

"Yeah, or twenty." I huffed, throwing away the wrappers and sitting on my bed, only to get crowded by him, right next to me. I was almost about fall off.

"I think... I think I love her." He whispered close to my face. I groaned getting off.

"Well great, seeing as you mentioned you were getting tired of her." I grunted, picking up thw rest of the wrappers. Suddenly, i felt a sharp blow on my shoulder, he threw the lid at me.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"I'm not joking. I'm in love with her!" He whined.

"Well, good!" I snapped.

"Do you think she knows I exist?" He asked.

"Um, I'm pretty sure, considering all the snogging."

"What? What are you talking about?" His face turned sour.

"Who are you talking about?" I looked at him, baffled at his loss of mind.

"Romilda, of course." He smiled again, "Romilda Vane." He breathed.

"Could you introduce me to her?"

"Why me?"

He didnt respond and turned to the window again. When he sat down again, I walked to the box on his bed.


Thinking sweet thoughts of you.

Romilda Vane.

And picture of her blowing kiss bubbles. I shook my head and dropped the card back on his bed. Walking to him, I helped him stand.

"Come on, Ron. I'm gonna introduce you to Romilda." I led him out of the Gryfindor commons and out to the best I place.

Sighing, I knocked on his door and Professor Slughorn slightly opened the door.

"Who is it?" Hs asked.

"Its Harry, sir. Harry Potter. I actually require your assistance here." I moved slightly for him to be able to see Ron standing lost behind me.

"Whats wrong with him?" He whispered to me.

"Very powerful love potion." I added. He nodded and opened the door for us.

"Is he hiding her in there?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, come on." I led him in. He was in the corner by his shelves, mixing up some potions in a chalice. I stood beside him.

"Thank you, Professor. I thought this was something you could understand." I muttered.

"Of course, of course."

"Im sorry about earlier. About Voldemort-"

"Dont use that name!" He snapped.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now