A Birthday Surprise

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


As Friday evening settled, I was curious about Ginny. I hadn't seen her all day and I was kind of concerned. It was classes in the morning, I could've spent the evening with her since we both had a short day but after breakfast she sprinted away with Neville and then no sight or word of her. Hermione sat by the couch with me, reading a book, when Collin ran over to us.

"Hey, Collin." I acknowledged.

"Harry, Ginny said to meet in the Room of Requirements. The both of you." He was breathing heavy. Hermione and I shared a concerned look and we headed out with him.

"Oh, brilliant, Ron you too." Collin spoke as we bumped into him and Lavender.

"I'll see you later?"

"No, no. You can come as well. Ginny said to bring her as well for some reason." He sighed. I was getting confused by every minute. Hermione walked beside me, not sparing a glance over to Ron or Lavender. When we reached an empty corridor, the door appeared before Collin. Ginny's face peaked out.


"Shhh." She raised a finger to her lips, "Get in." She waved for us and we walked in. It was completely dark. We couldn't see anything.

"Stand by the door and wands down." Ginny ordered and we gulped, sliding by the door.

"Ginny!" We heard a chime and it was Luna.

"Luna, just on time for the meet, come on." Ginny pulled her in and shut the door. Just as she did, she asked Luna to stand by me. I couldn't see but I heard Ginny order her and then I felt Luna's body beside me. When my heart started pounding, that's when it happened.

The room burst into a white light. The familiar D.A room came to view but with green, blue, yellow, white, red, silver, all kinds of colours streaming around. A familiar large group stood around a large white table in the centre and white cake with yellow and green frosting running over it.

"Happy Birthday, Luna!" Ginny and Neville yelled standing behind the table. People cheered and we heard a few whistles. Luna looked around, dazed. We clapped for her, standing smiling around the room. Ginny and Neville ran over to her and dragged her to the cake. They gave her a blue knife and Luna cut the cake, giggling. She fed the cake to Ginny and Neville and everyone, including us cheered her on. Ginny hooted, wrapping strong arms around her.

"In honour of my best friend's birthday, I've invited the lot she missed this year. The entire D.A!" Ginny yelled out. Everyone raised claps and glasses of butter beer. In a corner was a stand of barrels of butter beer. It was a whole party, "She's sixteen!" Ginny yelled out and everyone laughed away. After a while of talking to Neville and Luna, Ginny left the two together and walked over to Hermione and I who stood by the Butterbeer stand.

"Hey." She smiled. I noticed she was dressed in a blue jumper and jeans.

"This is wonderful, Gin." I wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"I thought she'd like it."

"She does." Hermione smiled.

"Is this where you've been all day?" I asked.

"Yes. I had to plan it out with Neville." She smirked, kissing my lips.

"You're a wonderful friend, you know?" I spoke as Hermione went over to Padma and Parvati who called her over.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now