After The Accident

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I was playing with the pull out on my seat. I had my legs up and my head against the cold window behind me. My compartment was empty and all I could think about was how our house got burned down. I felt like using an unforgivable curse to destroy Bellatrix Lestrange. My teeth hurt from all the clenching. Arnold chanted on my knees and I watched the pink fluff ball enjoy.

"You'll break your wand." I heard. My head snapped up to find Harry entering and shutting the compartment door behind him.

"Sorry." I straightened but kept my legs up. He sat on the opposite couch.

"Im sorry about the Burrow." He spoke. I looked at him with a roll of my eyes and a sigh.

"Me too." I felt my jaw harden.

"Whats on your mind?" He asked.

"Bellatrix Lestrange. We should've just killed her." I slammed the pull out back in the seat.

"And gotten what out of it?"

"You were the one who wanted to catch her in the first place. Something about wanting to hurt Sirius?" I gave him a raised brow and looked at him with a flare of rage but he was right. I wouldn't have succeeded anything from that.

"That was rash on my part too." He nodded.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The door slid open and the trolley lady spoke. I looked at her products.

"Can have three chocolate cauldrons, please?" I asked.

"Sure, dear." She bent to pull it out, I searched my pockets for money when Harry put coins in her hand and took some pumpkin pastries along with cauldrons.

"Harry, I was going to pay." I spoke, holding coins in my palm as the compartment closed and Harry sat on the couch beside me.

"Here." He forwarded me a cauldron. I crossed my legs under me, placing Arnold on my shoulder and took a bite into it.

"You okay?" I asked him as he bit into a pastry.

"I dont know." He dropped his head back.

"Thank you." He looked at me, "Though I'm still disappointed that you didn't follow what I told."

"Why?" I scurnched my brows, "And why?"

"You followed me there without thinking. Thank you for that." He nodded appreciatively, "And I told you to stay put Ginny. With the target on your head..."

"Harry, I was going to turn, I couldn't stay inside and Greyback was there... I had to come out. Maybe you didn't realize but Greyback's a wolf as well. And other than that, you and I have grown together. You saved my life, I think I owe you one save."

"But you've done it more than once." He sighed.

"Trust me, so have you." I smiled. He leaned in and touched my jaw.

"He did this?"

"He could've done worse."

"You know, i couldnt help but think that she came there, just to... taunt us." He spoke, staring at his pastry.

"Thats what I thought too. But its Bellatrix. Sometimes I find her worse than Voldemort." I shook my head, "Also, i think she came to check something off."



"What?" He straughtened, "Think about it. If they get to Sirius. They will know you will fall. All these people around you. Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Mum, Dad, my brothers, Hermoine and even myself. One of us down and they hit you right at home." I explained. His jaw clenched.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now