After The Summer

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I sat outside Slughorn's house as Professor Dumbledore went back inside. I hadn't any of my luggage. It was back at the hotel room I'd been staying at since I moved out of Sirius' place. It wasn't that he didn't like me living with him but we were informed that Sirius was being kept an eye upon, so we both had to disappear and away from each other. I left the Grimauld Place after he did and checked into a hotel. I knew he was looking out for me when they said that my bill was paid by a relative named James Black.

I kept thinking about how Slughorn was specifically interested in me, how he once taught Regulas Black, Sirius' brother and how my mum was one of his most prized students. He talked highly of her. Spoke as if she was one of the brightest most wonderful witches of her time. Dumbledore told me that Slughorn was a Slytherin but he didn't really strike me as a cunning or bad man. But then again, there were different kinds of Slytherin. I just had to meet one who could change my perspective of them. Though that thought, I always wondered how I'd have been had I been sorted into Slytherin with the sorting hat not caring for my request. Would I have been evil?

Now, that doesn't mean you're evil Harry. It just tells how you are connected to Voldemort.

Ginny words from the last letter she'd written me came to mind.

Ginny's words echoed in my brain and I smiled, pulling out the folded letter I'd recently gotten from her.


Got your letter. Fed Hedwig. She wasn't leaving so the letter's a couple days late. I'm telling you, Potter, I think your bird's in love with me. Atleast one of you lot will understand me then. Anyway, so, the other day, I put a pimple solution from Fred and George's sample products into Ron's drink and the next thing you see are purple boils on his face. I didn't get caught but hey, fingers crossed. Fred and George, their business is booming. They told me about the loan because well, I find out everything. Don't worry, I didn't tell anyone since they promised to give me anything in return to keep this quiet. Thanks for the blackmail material. I made them make me some skunk bombs, a batch of puking patsies and sleeping draught. Could be useful this year, you never know.

I heard from Padfoot. He's doing well. Says Remus and Tonks are driving him crazy, what with their banter all the time but he enjoys care from both of them, when they fight on who is more responsible. Strangely, that particular situation reminds of the three of you. Ron, Hermione and yourself. Ron and Hermione bickering and then checking on who gets to spend more time with you and away from the other. In my case, its usually me and Neville over Luna.

Guess what, I've been levelled in my Apprenticeship. Approved, sealed and done. I'm officially an apprentice and I got all the free perks. Even a small office! I'm so excited. Dumbledore tried to scare me with a few extra responsibilities but I suppose he is yet to find out more about this specific Apprentice of his. I feel like we might have a lot to do this year so you best put on your better pants. I need you this year.

As for my cycle, yes, it happened about two weeks ago. I didnt bite anyone. Wolfsbane worked like a charm and no, Ron doesn't know. Though, I'm soon to tell him since clever Hermione figured it out. Yes, Hermione knows now.

Also, Reckless point number fifty: What about when you snuck in the Three Broomsticks when only thirteen and followed Fudge and McGonagall in the office? You could've been caught. Don't give me, I had my invisibility cloak. It would've been easy to catch you had I been there. You smell of Treacle tarts all the time for some reason. Not that I'm complaining. I've grown to like those treats as well. And here is a bag of it. No need to thank me, just bring me those rainbow strips you brought last time. I love them.

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