After Three Months

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Three months.

It'd been three months since one of the worst turns in my life occurred. I was still living with the Dursleys or rather was. They'd emptied their house after being informed of the looming threat and regrettably yet a bit sadly, left me in the large house alone.

I looked around the empty rooms. No furniture, no pictures, no loud television or screaming Dudley Dursley. Though, the tortured part of my life lived here, it being empty hurt. I walked to the cabinet under the stairs and opened it to find my oldest room. A small spring mattress still laid dusty with a little army soldier sitting above on a shelf. I heard a chirp and looked on my shoulder to find Arnold walking up and down my shoulder. He'd gotten a little bigger in the past three months. My only way to pass time. I couldn't let Arnold go. After I lost her, I knew she'd have wanted me to take care of him, given that according to her, he was our little Pygmy Puff. She would say that since I brought him to her and she took care of him, he was ours. Not just hers. And I was going take care of what was ours.

I turned and watched as Aunt Petunia stood in the once lounge of the place.

"I've lived in this house for twenty years. And now I'm expected to leave in a single night." She spoke with hands clasped in front of her green suit dressed slender body. Her eyes were tearful and head bowed.

"They'll torture you." I gulped, "They'll think you know where I'm gone and they'll kill you."

"You think I don't know what they're capable of." Her head slowly turned to me with a soft despair in her eyes, "You didn't just lose your mother that night in Godric's Hollow." Her lips trembled, "I lost a sister as well." I felt goosebumps shiver through me as she explained her pain after so many years that I'd known her. She passed by me and headed for the main door. I followed her out in the darkening afternoon. Uncle Vernon walked from the truck trolley attached to his car to the driver's seat but paused and turned to me.

"This isn't just goodbye, it's farewell boy." He spoke. I nodded and he turned back to open the door.

"What do you mean? He's not coming with us?" Dudley asked standing on the other side of the car.

"Well, no."

"Why not?"

"Well, um, I mean... he doesn't want to. Do you boy?" Uncle Vernon turned confused.

"No." I shook my head, "Besides I'm a waste of space, aren't i, Vernon?" I spoke with a clenched jaw. He just glared at me.

Dudley looked at him but then walked around the car, unexpectedly. Carefully walking over the attached chain and the fence, he kept challenging gaze with Uncle Vernon until he reached me. He looked at me with a grin and I was confused for a good moment when he raised a hand. I shook it.

"I don't think you're a waste of space." He spoke after a pause and I smirked a little.

"Thanks." I nodded appreciatively. He gave me a careful nod and turned to leave. He kept the staring contest with Uncle Vernon and then looked back at me once more and waved his fingers snapping goodbye, "Goodbye, Big-D." I chuckled as he sort of disgust his foot in the chain but jumped over and got in the car. Uncle Vernon looked at his house one more time and got in before starting the car and driving away. Just as the car moved, I saw a figure across the street staring at me. At first my heart pounded with fear but as the person pulled off their hood. My heart almost stopped when I saw the just little below the the shoulders red hair. She smiled at me and I couldn't believe it. She crossed the street and walked over. I was frozen to my spot. When she was a couple feet away, she jogged to me and I wrapped her up in a tight hug.

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