After The Malfoy Accident

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Good morning." I heard a snicker when I woke up to find Ginny sitting by me on the bed. I blinked hard to shuffle for my glasses.

"Wow, Harry, you really are blind." I turned to find Ginny sitting with my glasses on. She squinted and stared at me. I sat up and pecked her nose, "Maybe you should keep them."

"Why, so you walk and break your nose? No thank you." She smiled and pulled it off. I chuckled, taking the glasses from her.

"How's your head?" She asked. I looked back to find Hermoine at the foot of Ron's bed, who was sitting up in his robes.

"I asked Neville to bring your robes. Madame Pomfrey said you two are free to go." Ginny smiled big and wide. Both were in their robes and after we'd changed, we all headed to the Grand Hall for breakfast.

"Hey." Ginny looked at me as we sat by the bench. I turned to her, taking some juice. She winked at me and held up a berry. I shook my head. She turned away.


She lightened up and tossed it, making me catch it in my mouth and then suddenly sneezed when a flake landed on my nose. Ginny burst out laughing and i glared at Ron, picking up a napkin.

"Ron, you're making it snow!" Hermoine hissed and brushed off the snow from the table in front of us. He was staring across and past us. We turned to find Lavender glaring at him.

"What happened again?" He asked.

"Well, she came to visit you at the hospital... and you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation." Hermoine straightened, uncomfortably.

"Dont get me wrong. I'm thrilled to be shot of her. She just seems a bit put out." Ron whispwred leaning in. All of us turned our heads, discreetly to stare at her rage.

"She does, doesn't she?" Hermoine spoke almost smugly.

"Boy, I would not date and break up with that." Ginny whispered, turning back around, "She looks scarier than Dean." She mumbled to me and i snickered. I placed a small kiss on her lips and we heard a loud thud on the table. Flinching we turned to find Romilda staring at us with hot rage. When she found us looking at her, she got up and left.

"Arent you boys famous." Ginny whispered, moving away chuckling.

"You say, you dont remember anything from that night?" Hermoine muttered.

"Well, there is something." Ron inhaled a loud breath, "But it can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I?" He laughed.

"Right. Boggled." Hermoine cleared her throat. I turned to my book, when Ginny tapped my palm.

"Katie's back." She bobbed her head to the side and we turned to right to find Katie sitting a few spots down. I got up and walked to her.

"Hi, Harry." She looked back.

"How are you?" I gulped.

"I'm better." She nodded solemnly.

"Katie, I-"

"Harry, i know what you're going to ask. I'm sorry, I really don't remember who gave me that package." She shook her head sadly but the looked past me, a little confused. I looked behind me to the Great Hall's doors to find Malfoy, frozen there.

I didnt take long and ran after him, out of the hall.


"Where is he going?" I whispered as he headed out the Great Hall in a hurry.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now