The Headmaster and The Apprentice

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Where is she?" I looked around as Ron, Hermoine and I were about to leave the common room. I pulled out my balled up sock and map. Handing the sock to Ron, I gave the map to Hermoine.

"Whats this for?" Ron asked.

"Ginny thinks something bad is going to happen tonight and I couodnt agree more. With Dumbledore gone, Malfoy, along with Snape probably, are going to do something and in that case, i want you prepared." When Hermoine tried to speak, I quickly spoke over her, "Find Neville and Luna and give this to them too. Stand guard by the tower and if too dangerous. Get out. Alright?"

"What about Ginny?" Ron asked.

"Honestly, I dont know. I haven't seen her since morning now." I gulped, nervously.

"Well, go on-"

"She's at the tower with Dumbledore." Hermoine spoke, looking at the map.

"Thanks." I nodded.

"Harry, dont you think you should drink some.. just in case..." she started.

"No. I don't need luck. I'll be with Dumbeldore." And I headed out. Rushing to the tower, i was just at the stairs when Professor Snape was running downstairs. He glared at me and walked past.

"We agreed not to discuss anymore of this." Professor Dumbledore's voice came and then I saw Ginny standing.

"Why can't I go? I know the place. I know how we got to the end." Ginny argued.

"No. I will not risk both your lives." Professor Dumbledore fought back.

"How can I let you risk yours?" Ginny cried out helplessly frustrated.

"Ginvera, I really appreciate your concern but I hope for you to remember your promise." He spoke lowly.

"Harry will be here soon. Do you need me to do anything else?" She gulped, painfully.

"Stand guard." I walked up the last few steps and they both turned their heads to me. Ginny had a painful look disturbing on her face as the wind blew her fiery red hair off. She was almost trembling too much. Professor Dumbledore was looking tired and wasn't wearing his hat.

"Are you alright, Harry?" He asked.

"Im alright."

"Harry, the place which we are to journey to is very dangerous. I promised you could accompany me, and I intend to keep that promise." He continued.

"But there is one condition: You must obey every command i give you, without question. Should I tell to you hide; hide. Should I tell you to run; run. Should I tell you to abandon me and save yourself, you must do so." He spoke and i heard a whimper of sorts. Turning, I found Ginny with flared nostrils and fear paling her face.

"Your word, Harry?" He waited. She looked at me and the beg in her eyes crippled me. She nodded. I turned to him.

"My word." I answered.

"I should still come with you two." Ginny added.

"No." He walked to us and patted her shoulder, "You've done enough. Hold the fort for my return." He looked at her kindly. I saw tears pool in her eyes. Her lip wobbled and she nodded.

"Take my arm, Harry." He spoke.

"Go." She mouthed and I walked ahead.

One last look at her and abruptly we were on a mountain top, facing a large disturbing ocean around us. I grunted, holding my arms up. Professor Dumbledore led me to the steps that took us inside the large rock and soon we faced a wall, he was running his hands on.

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