The Arrival At Hogwarts

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


As soon as our feet touched the snow, a blaring alarm went off. We ran into a shop, next to us and heard calls.

"They're here! Search everywhere!"

The shop we'd jumped into was cloaked with white sheets and desetered shelves. We hid behind the last tables in the corner and waited those people out.

Running out the back, upstairs, we tried to find the way out to the shrieking shack but were fsced by the fenced door. There was no way out of there.

"In here." We heard a whispered snd someone opened their door slightly for us. Hermoine and Ron entered first, followed by Ginny and then me. I was shocked at what i saw. Almost as if... Dumbledore'd let us in.

"Did you see his face... for a second I thought..." Ron started.

"I know, Dumbledore." Hermoine answered as they walked down the little hallway of stairs. We were in a small room with a kitchen in a corner, a dinner table in the back and a door beside it.

Ginny and I were still holding hands, tightly. She was gulping hard and staring at the large portrait of a brunette young girl in a blue dress.

I stood beside her, staring at it with her.

"Ginny?" I squeezed her hand.

"I saw her in Bathilda's house." She gulped.

I pulled out my mirror and looked into it. I needed help. I needed directiong. I couldnt see anything. Just blank.

"Harry, i can see you in this." Hermoine spoke out and she standing in the corner of the room in front a mirror with a missing piece that fit the shape of the one in my hand. I looked at it again and saw Hermoine in there.

"You bloody fools. What were you thinking, coming here?" The tall man scolded walking in the room. He looked as if a little bit tweaked image of Professor Dumbledore stood forth us, "Have you any idea how dangerous it is?"

"You're Aberforth. Albus Dumbledore's brother." Ginny spoke. He looked at her and nodded.

"Its you who I've been seeing in this." I raised the mirror in my hand, "You're the one who sent Dobby."

"Where have you left him?" He walked to the window in the back.

"He's dead." I answered.

"Sorry to hear that. I liked that elf."

"Who gave that to you? That mirror?" That question was bothering me.

"Mundugus Fletcher, about a year ago."

"Mundungus had no right, that mirror belongs-"

"To Sirius Black. I know." He intetupted with a steady voice, "Albus told me. He also told me you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out I had it, but ask yourself..." he walked closer to me, "....where would you be if I didn't?"

He left to the kitchen and fetched a load of cake and poured four glasses of butter beer. Placing the tray on the table, offered. Ron and Hermoine helped themselves but Ginny kept starinf at the painting. Her hand away from mine and her eyes wandering in thoughts.

"Have you heard from the others? The order?" Hermoine asked.

"The Order's finished. You-Know-Who's won. Anyone who tells themselves otherwise is kidding themselves."

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now