After The Seperation

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


The DA walked the dim Room of Requirements. It was our solace. That one little mirrored room. Every time I walked in here with Neville and Luna, it brought some energy in me but sadness as well. I missed Ginny. She was lively soul and when I saw her by the end, I was heart broken. I knew about her being an apprentice to Albus Dumbledore. She only told me so and I researched all about an apprentice after. She was quite fitting for the job, I realized when I saw her that last night, crouched by the Headmaster's body.

I'd seen Harry a few times after the incident and he was mostly broken. Quiet and never the smiling man I'd seen over the year. I'd talked to him a few times too and asked where she was. If she was dead, why wasn't there a funeral. Eventually, he told me that she'd ran off. That she was in hiding. That gave me some peace but a purpose as well. If Ginny was hiding, she had a solid reason to do so.

My aunt wasn't on board with letting me come back to Hogwarts, she was even ready to go against the regulations that it was compulsory every student to return. I was determined to come back. I wasn't going to run away from a fight. Ginny was depending on us and it was better that we all took care of what Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were out there fighting for.

"We should do some duels now. What do you think?" I asked Neville.

"Sure. Let's start. You and me." He spoke. I nodded and we set the room.

"On three?" Neville looked at Luna. She nodded and counted.

"Expelliarmus." Neville waved. I blocked it off but then another stun came and knocked me to the floor.

"Rictusempra!" I yelled and Neville rotated back in air and to the floor. He chuckled, standing.

"Who's next?" He looked around. Nancy nodded to walk ahead. She'd grown tall. Just as me. Some sort of a growth spurt I suppose. Her hair were long around her back, curly that she always had half tied. She walked in between the room and Nigel, who'd grown taller than the two of us, stood on the other end.

They duelled and Nancy knocked him off with a blast that was so strong that even though he blocked it off, he went flying back. She laughed a bit and then was the one who jogged to him making sure he was okay. There was something odd between them and even Ginny and Harry used to notice it. They always compared them to Ron and Hermione and once or twice when I'd seen Ron and Hermione argue, I'd seen a similarity too.

Next, Luna fought Cho Chang and both girls were equally strong. When the night struck to nine, everyone left the room with a bowed head.

Neville and I were last to leave and we turned for the corridor to our tower, we bumped into Alecto Carrow. He sneered at us. I clenched my jaw, waiting for him to dare and attack us.

"You know what they say, naughty children shall be punished."

"And you know what we say, losers only talk big." I responded and Neville squeezed my shoulder.

"Why, you little imbecile." He muttered and sent a jinx to my face. I grunted in pain but then held it back. He'd stung my face but then I was alright. Neville pushed me back to the tower and Nancy gasped when she saw me. We could only wait for the swelling to go down. I couldn't see and when I felt my face, it was puffy like a stuffed toy, only it hurt me.

Neville laid me on the couch and they all kept me company till the pain started subsiding and I could finally start seeing. I sat up, rubbing my cheeks to ease away the itch in them and looked around.

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