Dumbledore's Army

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Professor, are you alright?" I asked as he paced the floor of his office.

"Has Harry mentioned anything else?" He asked.

"Nothing more than just seeing his face and the night Cedric died." I shook my head.

"Im afraid, i won't be here long." He shook his head looking up at me.

"What do you mean, sir?" I straightened from the pillar, I was standing by.

"I fear the ministry will soon take me off my duties so I must ask of you, to keep digging. Reach out to Harry's thoughts. The more we know, the better." His voice came out laced strong sense of desperation.

"Why arent you talking to him?" I finally asked.

"I dont have all the answers yet."

"He's scared! All he needs is your support. You are the only one, he thinks believes him." I fought.

"Emotions won't lead us anywhere right now. We must focus on what's grounding right beneath us. The world is changing, and we must adapt before we forget how we landed there." He spoke, almost grimly.

I exhaled and nodded.

"Did you locate the graveyard?" He asked.

I bit my lip and nodded. He talked about the one where Harry swore that Voldemort'd been reborn. He asked me to find it. To know if any solid evidence lay within. Though, it didn't seem that he cared much for it but he still wanted some evidence.

"The Riddle family tomb. Just as Harry'd described it to be."

"Did you visit Madame Pomfrey?" He breathed and I snickered.

"No, sir. I'll be alright." He was talking about the wound that was running up my arm from fighting an unknown Death Eater when I'd arrived at the tomb.

"Maybe a visit would be best. Off you go, now." He nodded.

"Oh, and Ginerva, I feel tempted to inform you prior this engagement thats yet to occur."

"What, sir?" I gulped.

"A ball."

"Im sorry?"

"A ball. To honor the Triwizard Champions this year."

"When do you suppose?"

"Soon. Believe it, the Ministry's holding it."

"I do believe it, sir. After all the tournament went horribly last year and events folding after need to be stopped according to Fudge and what better way than to hold a ball in honor of the champions." I shook my head.


"Thank you. Take care, sir." I bid him goodnight and staggered back to the common rooms. I thought i hid the pain well but I suppose not. The enchantment was wearing off. I could feel the wetness growing through my shirt and realized my wound'd opened again. I breathed heavily and decided to make my way to the hospital wing. I entered quietly but Madame Pomfrey was out of the office by my second step in.

"It is past hours that you sh- you're wounded." Her eyes caught the blood on my shirt. I panted and nodded. The pain was increasing fast.

"Come here." She led me to a bed and I dropped myself on it.

"Oh, seems you've broken a bone as well."


"Lucky for you, I'll have it fixed right away but you should stay till morning. Till then, i advise you to rest."

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now