The Patronus

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I'd recieved a letter from Professor Dumbledore and when I visited him, he mentioned something about a breakout at Azkaban. I couldnt believe it. Another one? Was the ministry hiding that as well?

"Harry?" I inhaled a loud breath approaching him, early in the morning as he was leaving for breakfast.

"Ginny." He smirked.

"Um, can you meet me in the by the Black lake... evening?" I asked quietly. He nodded instantly. I felt my smile break out, "Thanks."

Without another word I left.


I didn't have to wait by the lake because when I reached, Harry was already sitting by a rock. The reason I'd called him was to learn a Patronus. I couldnt wait days for it to come in the DA meetings. I needed to learn it fast. He'd agreed, no questions asked, surprisingly.

"Alright. A patronus is usually used to defend Dementors. Which means fear. To conjure one, you need to let a happy memory fill yourself up." He gulped. Let it ease your mind, then wave your wand... and repeat the words Expecto Patronum." He explained. I nodded.

Raising my wand, I shut my eyes. An image of myself holding my wand for the first time, and then walking through the gates of Hogwarts repeated itself in my head. I remembered how overjoyed I was to finally learn magic and be able to use it. Finally opening my eyes, I waved my wand.

"Expecto Patronum." I spoke. I waited but nothing. I sighed, deopping my wand.

"What did you think of?"

"My first day at Hogwarts." I gulped.

"Not strong enough. Try again Ginny. It has to be a happiness different than any you could've... anticipated."

I tried again but nothing. A memory of being chosen as an Apprentice apparently wasn't that strong either. I dropped back on a rock and slumped.

"You know, my first patronus... i wasnt even sure I could do it." He sat beside me, "The memory I chose... i wasn't even sure it was real." He stared at his wand.

"Happy memories..." I whispered, "...well, there is this one." I looked at my wand that was rotating in my fingers. The memory warmed me up. I felt cozy, safe... happy. I stood, raised my wand...

"Expecto Patronum." I called softly and a light poured out of the tip of my wand, forming into a horse and running in front of us. My eyes heated as I laughed watching it prance around.

"Fantastic Ginny!" Harry came beside me as we watched my Patronus run around.

When it disappeared, I released a breath and sat back on the rock. Still smiling so bright that my face hurt.

"A horse. My patronus is a horse." I chuckled.

"That was brilliant, Ginny." He smiled.

"Whats yours?" I asked.

"A stag."

"Can i see?" I nudged his shoulder. He raised his wand.

"Expecto Patronum." He murmured and a stag ran out of his wand. It was beautiful. It circled us and I watched it scour the trees.

My smile instantly died when I remembered why I learned the patronus.

"Harry, its late. Better head back in before we run into Umbridge." I gulped and we headed back into the castle. Next night, when everyone's gone back to their commons, I head up to the Astronomy tower. Readying my wand, I called for my broom.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now