Making It Official

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


The moment we were off the steps and the gargoyle rotated back, I turned her to me and kissed her. She returned the gesture, holding my face in her fingers. It was intimate and sweet. When we parted, I smiled.

"I have your back too." I whispered carefully.

"I know." She nodded and I felt her tickle my earlobe.

"Ginny... that memory in the common room... did you really erase..."

"I had to." She bit her bottom lip, "You were sort of involved with Cho, Harry. And I knew you'd regret it so I just... i did it."

"And you lived on with it? You found it okay to just..."

"Harry. Tell me things aren't better now?"

"They are. But I think if I hadnt forgotten that, maybe they could be a different kind of better." I pulled her close.

"Forgive and forget... further?" She chuckled.

"Okay. Just don't do that again. No matter how pure your purpose is, Ginny."

"Promise." She smiled with a relief. I kissed her lips and reminded to revise every single kiss I'd shared with her. I was supposed to be mad that she played with my head but I didn't even know how things would've gone from there and since I had her now, I had her beside me, there seemed no reason to linger on a fight that would only keep me away from her for a few days. Atleast she showed me that kiss again and I got to see how much I was taken by her even before I knew it.

"I wanted to ask..." I looked down, "...when we were at the ministry...."

"I'd killed someone for the first time." She cut me off and I looked up, shocked.

"Mason Frebdowle." I spoke if the death eater that'd been found dead after the battle. She nodded.

"Ginny." I clutched her waist, pulling her close.

"My first kill. Though for defense, I cant defend murder." She gulped, "Almost pulled me back to when I nearly killed..."

"Stop." I dropped my forehead to hers, "You haven't done a bit of wrong. I knew it then and I know it now." I finalized. A chuckle broke out of her, almost sobbing but no tears came. That's what I loved about her, she could take it. She could take anything and face it head on.

"D-Darcy saved your life." I gulped.

She turned pale and bit her lip before blinking away.

"I owed him a lot. He made it all seem worthless." She shook her head and I sighed.

"I... I really like you, Ginny." I added quickly before the coward in me could shut me up again. She gasped, moving away.

"Are you sure, Harry?" She whispered, surprised with pink cheeks, "I mean, if you want i could add this to one of your reckless things." She pursed her lips, pulling back a laugh.

"You're always going to keep score, arent you?" I smiled.

"Always." She cocked a brow.

"I do like you. Very much so. More so than I can understand for now." I smirked, childishly. She chuckled and hugged me.

"Oh, Im trying to really like you as well." She groaned. I pulled back and began walking but she caught up and kissed me again, making my heart flip a thousand turns over, "Its still early. How about a walk?" She cocked a brow. I nodded happily and we went out and down the grounds to the lake.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now