The Memory Retrieval

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


He was looking at me wide eyed. He was in his school robes still but his figure so still that he was almost missed by my eyes. I howled and he jumped back and then I ran away, with the painful thought that now Eddie knew my secret as well.

After reaching the top of the hill on the other end of the forest, I rested there for a while, till the time was nearing an end. I got up and reluctantly ran back to my campsite. To my painful shock, Ed laid by my pack, bloody on his forehead and fainted. As soon as i tumbled down to the floor and turned human again, i quickly wore my jeans and jumper and ran over to him. I checked his breathing and it was steady. He'd just fainted.

"Ed?" I shook him slightly, nothing, "Renervate." I spoke with a staggering breath. He gasped awake and coughed sitting up.

"What happened?" I asked, checking his body for anymore scars.

"Malfoy." His jaw clenched, "He attacked me blind."

"Okay. Are you alright? Do you think you can walk?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded and i helped him. He stood and looked at me, "You're a..."

I dropped my head.

"Well, thats pretty cool."

I chuckled.

"Not really."

"If I were you, I'd have ripped Malfoy a new one." He shrugged.

"Alright, lets get you in before you kill him."

"I might just." He mumbled. I laughed and led him back in. Madame Pomfrey checked his head and healed him with the healing charm. She told him that he'd taken a hit to his chest, so she gave him a potion and recommended to stay the night till his ribs would heal. Whatever Malfoy'd hit him with was strong.

I wasnt allowed to stay so I thought I'd ask questions when visiting hours would start. I headed back to the common room and when I entered, Harry snored on the couch. I wanted to talk to him but suddenly didn't feel like it. I threw the throw on his body and headed up to my dorm. Showering, I took a nap of couple hours before it struck seven and I snuck out to the Hospital Wing.

Ed was still asleep, so I just sat by his bed and thought about the night. Ed knew. Malfoy hurt him. Merlin, what next?

I was away in my thoughts when...

"Lost in thought?" I heard and looked to find Ed staring at me, laid on bed.

"Nothing special. How are you?"

"Better. The pain is much less so i hope I can get out and kill Malfoy." He grumbled and I chuckled.

"What were you doing there?"

"I followed you."


"I was curious. Nancy had a theory that you might be a werewolf." He sat up and i straightened, "And she was... right." He inhaled a deep breath.

"Sorry." I gulped.

"Whatever for? You didn't kill me." He shrugged.

"Dont tell anyone, Ed. I'm trying to keep this secret a secret for as long as I can."

He nodded.

"Im glad I know." He spoke.


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