The Forest

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


We walked the bridge to the main courtyard. The debris was everywhere. Enemy bodies, dead creatures, cement, rubble, wands. It was a catastrophe. When we entered the doors, Ron and Hermoine went ahead of us, holding hands and into the Great Hall to our left. Harry stood frozen but I pulled his arm and pushed him to walk beside me, inside. The hall was well lit to golden and people sat on the benches and tables, either covering up bodies or healing each other. I kept his hand in mine as I walked him through the disaster. My heart shuddered when I saw the sight of Parvati Patel's body. In a distance, I saw my family, crowded by the end and i pulled Harry to follow but as we neared them, he froze. I turned to find him staring to our left, wide eyed. I gasped when I saw three bodies laying on the floor.

Sirius, Lupin and Tonks.

"Harry." I whispered, hugging him. He didnt hold me. He didnt cry. He let me go and walked away. And I knew just where, so I let him.

Turning to my family, I took account of every member and was happy to see each one of them sitting, and hugging each other. I hugged my mum and dad. Fred and George circled Ron and I and we relaxed with the rest of the crowd.

I saw Ed, Jenna, Nancy and Nigel sitting on a bench. Walking to them, I sighed. Nancy had her head dropped on Nigel's shoulder and Jenna was holding Ed's hand.

"You lot okay?" I asked.

Ed looked away at the white blanket on the floor. Jenna's lips were shivering.

I gulped and crouched beside it. Lifting the shawl, I saw the face. An unrecognizable one. An old man, dusty and as if asleep with a frown. I dropped my head. Ed had a vacant expression on his face. He was quiet as he wrapped an arm around Jenna who seemed dead in the moment. I was familiar with that look. That look was on his face when he left the hall right now. I crouched in front of Ed and his eyes pointed at Jenna. I took her hand. Squeezing it, she looked up. She shrugged in defeat as a tear trickled down her cheek.

"My grandpa." She whispered. I shook my head and she sniffed. I cleared the tear off her cheek and ran a hand in her hair, standing and watching a flush of panic and ease mix in the atmosphere for a bit after that. I gasped when I saw Colin Creevey's body. Dennis sitting beside it, in the comfort of Dean and Seamus. So much loss was driving me insane. I wished to close my eyes and have this all turn into a nightmare I'd wake up from. My heart constricted when Harry didn't show for a while. I looked at Ron and Hermoine sitting with joined hands and heads. They sat quietly. Without disturbing them, I ran out of the hall to the corridor that led to the backyards of the school, for there was the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. I waited a few feet up the hill and away from the building. I was bound to run into Harry. I knew he was going to go.

I was just staring at the archway of the school when a figure appeared out of thin air. Harry'd just shed off his cloak and walked, looking back as if making sure he wasn't followed.

"Harry!" I cried, running up the hill. He seemed surprised when I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he caught me.

"Ginny." He grunted. Then he squeezed me tight into him. I moved away, keeping my hands on his shoulders while his were still holding my waist.

"You're going. I knew it. You're going, arent you?" I cried. I kept my tears back but my voice betrayed me.

"I have to. You've known. All of you." He nodded, saddened.

"No. It can't-" I dropped my head.

"Ginny, look at me." He asked, pleading. I did.

"Someone once told me that those you love, never really leave you." He smiled a little.

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