Thank You!

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And thats a wrap!

Oh, Merlin, I can't believe its over!

This book was probably like a series to me at the end of which we cry cause we can't believe the show's over. I can't believe all the reads and attention this book is getting and I hope it keeps getting more of it.

Leave many votes and as many comments as you wish to.

Hinny Through The Years felt like a journey as I wrote it and I am happy with the way it turned out.

I have suggestions for a few upcoming works but before that happens, I want to know if anyone was interested in our little side character, Eddie Gideon.

I know I was. I dont know why I introduced him. It was sort of a mid of the story work process idea that came and I just put it in at first for fun but then it kind of got exciting because I could really entangle his person with him being intrigued by Ginny's work and influenced by Harry, ...what with his own past haunting him as well.

Any other characters you liked?

Let me know in the comments section!

And the next generation? Merlin, I hope they have interesting things to bring to Hogwarts.

Thank you once again!

Its been a pleasure.

Yours truly,

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Yours truly,


Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now