Boarding the Hogwarts Express

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


We all planned on leaving for our train to yet another year at Hogwarts. After we got on the train, Ron and Hermoine excused themselves with the Prefects meeting they were supposed to attend. I was left alone to find a compartment and in a distance, I found Ginny with Arnold on her shoulder. I walked to her and tapped on her shoulder.

"Fancy finding a compartment together?" I asked.

"Sorry, Harry. I promised Dean I'll meet up with him. I'll see you later. Okay?" With that she turned on her heel and started walking down the aisle. It irritated me. I was so used to Ginny now that I'd forgotten that she didn't hang out with us at school. When she walked away, I walked a few compartments ahead and found Luna and Neville in one. I took a spot beside Luna.

"Hi, Harry." She smiled.

"Hey, guys." I watched as people kept staring, passing by.

"Harry." I heard as a familiar figure oushed through the crowd. I opened the door for him and he squeezed inside.

"Blimey, whats with the crowd?" Ed asked, pushing back slightly long messy hair. They looked like mine when I was in my fourth year.

"I have no idea." I sighed.

"Oh, its the Chosen One thing. Yeah. I heard some girls in my year, talking about you. Merlin." He shuddered, "Girls are scary."

I laughed.

"Hi, I'm Eddie." He raised a hand to shake Neville's.

"Neville." He shook back.

"Luna." Luna introduced herself with a dreamy smile.

"She's pretty." Ed whispered to me and i cocked a brow at him. He waved it off. He was more confident than last year and that was a good development.

"They're staring at us too because we are with you." Neville spoke cheerfully, "Yeah, i thought my grandmother was going to be mad about the publicity but she was just pleased. Got me a new wand. Cherry and Unicorn Hair. Oi, Trevor!" He jumped down, finding his toad.

"Harry, are we going to have D.A meetings this year?" Luna asked.

"Umbridge is gone so no point." I answered with a soft smile.

"Oh." Neville groaned, hitting his head under my seat and then recovering up, "But i loved those meetings. I learned so much for you."

"I liked them too. I felt like i had friends." An awkward silence fell as Luna said this. I stared at Neville to say something and he seemed to be asking the same of me.

"Hey, Harry." I looked up to find the door getting crowded by girls, "I'm Romilda Vane. Why don't you join us in our compartment? You don't have to sit with them." She giggled.

"I'm okay with my friends here. Thanks." I nodded.


"You heard the man." We heard a sharp voice and turned to find Ginny standing with raised brows, "I need to get in." She waved at them and entered. Shutting the compartment door on grim and irritated faces, she sat beside Ed.

"Hey, Ed!" She grinned, "Didnt see you. Thought you missed your train."

"No, this time I was here early. Didn't forget." He nodded, proudly.

"Good." Ginny nodded.

"Hey, Harry, can second years try out for Quidditch?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now