The Reunion

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Where are we again?' Harry asked coming out from the tent. He'd dressed in the warm white sweater I'd left out for him. He'd come out tired and slept, not caring. I'd set up the enchantments and kept the coast clear. We'd been here for a week now.

I still had somethings to tell him.

"Forest of Dean." I inhaled a deep breath. He sat against the tree I was on, with a blanket across my lap and Dumbledore's Biography from Bathilda's house in my lap. I'd changed into a dirty white sweater with a red scarf around my neck. I kept my hair loose so as to keep my neck warmer, "Hermoine said that we would come here once during this time."

"You're not wearing your perfume." He spoke and i looked back at him.

"Can't risk what happened last time." I chuckled.

"You've outdone yourself this time." He looked around, feeling chilly. I lifted the blanket so he could come closer. He sat beside me, with his legs under.

"Happy New Year, Harry." I whispered.

"When did that happen?" Harry breathed dropping his head back against the tree.

"Three days ago." I chuckled.

"Happy New Year, Gin." He sighed, taking my hand and cupping it in both of his.

"Maybe we should just stay here." I looked around at the snowy trees, the river, the peace, "Grow old."

"Wouldn't that be something amazing." He looked away. I couldnt tell, what he really felt in that moment.

"You wanted to know who the boy in the photograph was?" I asked, showing him the book in his lap at the right page, "Gellert Grindelwald." I pointed at the familiar picture.

"He's the thief I saw in Gregovitch's wand shop." He told me. I nodded, clicking my tongue.

"Harry, I was thinking.."

"Hmm?" He looked up.

"Remember that memory where Tom Riddle killed Hepzibah Smith for that cup and a necklace?" I cocked a brow. He nodded.

"Well we have the necklace, don't we?" I dropped my head back and matched his eyes, "So, what if the cup..."

"Is the next Horcrux." He finished for me. I nodded.

"You're bloody brilliantly!" He jumped to his feet. I laughed, staggering to my feet. He wrapped arms around me and I felt warm in his embrace. When I moved back he rubbed his thumb on the tip of my cold nose, "Go inside. I'll keep an eye out." He murmured, "Speaking of which, where's my wand?" He asked. My throat dried at this.

"Ginny, where's my wand?" I sighed, dropping my head. I moved away and pulled it out to show him the two pieces from under my laid blanket.

"Im sorry. As we were leaving Godric's Hollow, I cast a curse and it rebounded." I stammered, "I tried to mend it but... wands are different." I apologized.

"It's alright. Its done." He shook his head, "Leave me yours. I'll take the locket too." He pointed at it around my neck, "Go inside and get warm." He sniffled.

"Im sorry." I mumbled again.

"Its alright." He took my wand and the locket. I rubbed my arms and went inside for a small nap. I froze when I saw something apparate out of thin air.

"Holy- Harry!" I called and he turned to me.

"What?" He came running and almost fell. I laughed holding his arm. He looked frustrated but I held his face and turned it into the direction I was looking. Hermoine was sighing in defeat after looking around cleaning her face.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now