The Break-Out From Gringotts

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Ariana?" Neville spoke at the little portrait in the Gryffindor commons as we settled for the evening. The girl in the blue dress smiled.

"You have visitors." She spoke and walked away. Neville got up and asked me to follow him to the Room of Requirements. We quietly snuck out since it was past seven. Past dinner time. If we were seen, the Carrows, after torturing us would've had a party and then thrown us back in our commons. Very quietly we made it to the empty fifth floor, it was mainly used by the prefects but since none existed, it was mostly empty and used at night as home by the Carrows. Neville waited for the room to open and then pulled me in as well. It was a darkened room with half cut pillars as usual descending from the ceiling. There was a large portrait by the end of the room with the same image of the room done on it, quite perfectly. It was strange when the door started opening and I raised my wand, only to be greeted by Dean Thomas and Luna Lovegood.

"Miss us, Neville?"

"Luna." Neville chuckled and took her in a hug. She was pleased to be held. I gave Dean a hug and then a tug to Luna, "Where've you two been? We thought you'd come back after Christmas."

"We were stolen by the death eaters." Luna answered softly.

"Merlin." I breathed as Neville ran a thumb on the scar on Luna's cheek.

"How'd you get out?" Neville looked at Dean.

"Harry. He freed us out of there."

"You met Harry?" Neville asked.

"Yeah. Him, Hermoine, Ron and Ginny." Dean nodded. My heart pounded at this.

"Are they alright?" I asked.

"They're fine. They had other plans and we told them about the DA and all. They were happy to know that everything wasn't destroyed here, honestly."

"I suppose so. They've been quite out of the loop now, haven't they?" Neville nodded.

"Ginny gives her love." Luna told him and he thanked her, "She told you to be careful."

"Or she'll hex me?"

"Actually she didn't add that part." Luna looked into space confused, "But I'm sure she meant it." She smiled and Neville hugged her again.

"Here, Ed." Dean pulled something out from his pocket, folded in half. I read the word written on the white paper.


I turned the paper around with a grin to find a picture of myself and the Quidditch team in our Quidditch robes. It was after my first game of the year last year. I looked at Harry, Ron and her grinning through it and it felt heavy on my chest.

"It was horrible out there." Dean shook his head, "They took us to Draco Malfoy's manor. That's where those death eaters are based."

"Makes sense. Most of Malfoy's family are death eaters." Neville nodded.

"Yeah, that Bellatrix Lestrange. What a bitch. She tortured Hermione and Ginny. I heard them screaming, it was painful really. She even killed their friend, that house elf Dobby. I didn't know him but Harry was pretty torn up about it. Anyway, we knew we had to come back for you lot. We knew where they were and how they are and figured we owed it to our friends here to know and be sure that they are working this thing out." Dean sighed. Neville and I shared a worried look and I looked back at the picture. I couldn't wait for the war to reach us and to have a chance to openly hurt these monsters.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now