The Trial

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Next morning, i found Mr. Weasley in a checkered coat and brown pants with Ginny dressed in dark tight pants and black jumper. She looked so grown up, I'd never noticed. I put on a clean pair of jeans and brown blazer I'd borrowed from Sirius.

We headed out on feet and walked to the nearest subway station. Mr. Weasley looked around a little frantic and Ginny seemed a little confused. They didn't know this world, so i went to the ticket station and bought three. Walking to the turnstiles, Mr. Weasley watched bemused by the way people slid through them. Noticing the guy ahead of us, Mr. Weasley tapped the ticket slot, waiting for the turnstile to rotate. He seemed baffled when nothing happened and then i entered a ticket so it would open and he could pass through. Then I entered one for Ginny and then myself. We took the train for a few stops before he helped us out and we went back up to the road.

"Lets use the muggle entry, shall we?" Mr. Weasley chuckled, leading us across the road to a telephone booth and squeezing us inside, "I have some muggle money on me." He added a pound and dialed 62442. As he did, the stall trembled and then went down like an elevator. The phone booth landed in a corridor that was black tiled from walls to the floor. Many dressed wizards and witches walked by us, as we trudged through. To our left and right we saw many floo powder fireplaces and people walking in. Ahead of us was a large statue in gold that I did not recognize but the giant white banner behind it, held a large face of Cornelius Fudge. Minister For Magic.

"This way kids." Mr. Weasley tapped our shoulder and led us around the large statue to the elevators. Just as we entered the crowded one, Kingsley entered as well and whispered something to Mr. Weasley.

"Well, Harry it seems they've moved the hour of your hearing." He sighed as the fence doors started shutting.

"To when?"

"In five minutes." He answered and Ginny's head snapped at me. She moved out of the elevator and smiled nervously at us as they closed and the elevator moved away. I watched her figure disappear.

The elevator stopped after going down for a bit and opened opened to a black tiled, archway ceiling of a corridor.

"Department of Mysteries." A woman voice announces and Mr. Weasley led out. I looked around the dark place and nothing seemed appealing about it. I heard voices half way and looked in the upcoming corridor to my left. There stood Fudge with Lucius Malfoy by the end of it, in front of a black door with a golden mound of a doorknob in the centre of it.

Mr. Weasley turned in the corridor on our right ahead and stopped in front of the large black door.

"Remember Harry, during the hearing, only speak when you're spoken to." Mr. Weasley whispered, "I'm afraid I can't go in with you." He tapped my shoulder and i walked in. The room was circular with a large bunch of black robed people sitting in front of me, along with a number of red robes on each side. They were quite the lot.

"Take a seat, Harry." Fudge spoke as he sat on the high seat in the middle. He pointed at the chair in the middle of the room and I sat quietly on it.

"Disciplinary hearing of the 12th of August into offenses committed by Harry James Potter, resident 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey." Fudge spoke, smacking his gavol to get attention, "Interogators Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Mag-"

"Witness for the defense!" Came a roar and the door smacked open, letting in the blue robed man, with his silver beard, "Albus Percival Wolfrick Brian Dumbledore." Professor Dumbledore announced himself walking around my chair to the platform.

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