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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Dad was beat up, horribly. Face half swollen, black eye, slit lips, limp by the legs and the rest of the wounds were ove his body. Mum said he was better but we could see him tired. He looked horrible when we saw him at St. Mungos. We were all thankful for Harry's help.

As we, Ron, Hermoine, Harry and I walked down the corriodr to wait for Mum to pull dad out of his room so we could all use the floo connection to the Grimauld Place, I bumped into someone. I looked up to find a familiar tall but wrinkly lady. Scrawny but a strict look on her face. Red hand bag on her wrist with black witch's hat and robes.

"Mrs. Longbottom." I gulped. Neville's grandmother.

"Guys?" Neville came from behind her, tall and dressed in a blue striped sweater.

"Neville what're you doing here?" Ron asked.

"We're visiting his parents." Mrs. Longbottom answered. We all gasped. I didnt... i thought they were...

"What?" I gulped, feeling my heart shrink in pain.

"My son and his wife were tortured into insanity by You Know Who's followers." As she spoke, Hermoine clapped a hand on her face and Ron and Harry looked, aghast.

"Neville?" I mumbled. He looked up from the floor embarassed.

"They were Aurors you know. Very well respected within the wizarding community. Highly gifted, the pair of them." Mrs. Longbottom seemed to continue but paused when a woman with long brunette hair to her chest, walked out of the room beside us. She was in a St. Mungos white hospital gown. She had the same pouting nose as Neville's and innocent eyes.

"Yes, Alice dear. What is it?" Mrs. Longbottom turned to her. I gulped hard. Neville's mom.

"Again?" Mrs. Longbottom sighed as Alice raised a fist for Neville to take, "Very well, Alice dear. Take whatever it is, Neville."

Neville raised his trembling hand and Alice dropped her fist in his hand, leaving a candy wrapper in his fingers.

"Thanks mum." Neville brought it to his heart as he watched Alice Longbottom walk away, humming. He turned with a smile which faded when he found us. His cheeks turned pink and he looked at his feet. I couldnt hold it back anymore, so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he took me in a big hug. I felt a tear warm my cheek but I wiped it away before loosening myself from his embrace.

"I'll see you at school?" I smiled. He nodded. Ron, Hermoine and Harry bid him farewell as well, as he walked away with his Grandmother.

After coming home, Harry, after making sure Dad was alright, locked himself in his room upstairs. After lunch, Sirius told me that he did talk to him but Harry was feeling vulnerable enough to isolate himself.

I walked up the steps and inhaling a deep breath, knocked on the door.

"Hermoine, Ron, I told you. I need to be alone."

"Its Ginny." I called.

"Leave me alone, Ginny."

"Harry, let me in. I need to talk to you." I knocked again.

"Ginny..." the door flung open and before he could speak, i entered, walking past him. I raised a brow crossing my arms.

"I dont want to talk to anybody." He walked away from the open door.

"Harry, whats going on ? Everybody wants to talk-"

"Yeah, but I don't want to! Don't you understand! I feel like a weapon, in Voldemort's favor! I can't face anyone without harming them! Dumbledore won't even match my eye anymore!"

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now