The Battle In Manchester

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"Where is it that we are headed to?"


"Ma-Manchester?" I stammered, fixing my tie and holding onto my robe.

"Yes. It is a said rumor that the Death Eaters seem to be guarding something there and I'd like to know what."

"Is this related to all those objects searching visits we've done over the summer, sir?" I cocked a brow.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Alright then."

"You'll need this." He forwarded a shiny purple cloak to me. I pulled it from his fingers and stared at it in confusion. He seemed to be staring, waiting, so i flung it around my shoulders and... my body was gone.

"An Invisiblity Cloak?" I gasped.

"Yes, I've borrowed it from an old friend. I'm sure you're aware of Alastair Moody?"

I nodded.

"He will be there. So as Caleb Diane. You must stick to them or trouble could your best hope. Is that clear?"

"Youre not coming sir?"

"Im afraid not. Minister Scrigamour and Shacklebolt have set up a meet with me that I cannot deny unless suspicion is what we risk." He spoke with hands clasped in front of him.

"Sir, is there a chance that the order will be there?" I asked, suspiciously.


"Then, I'd like to make a request that may seem silly but I think its something that we should do."

"Keep him out of sight." He spoke before I could reach my question.

"Id like to bring Ronald and Hermione as well, they are as well a team, as they are apart." I gulped, nervous that I was risking a lot with these permissions.

"Do you see it wise to ask the lot for this?"

"With a order there? Yes." I nodded.

"Very well then."

"Really?" I couldnt help but gasp.

"Yes." He nodded, raising his brows, "By now, ive learned to give your reasons a few chances."

"Thanks." I grinned.

"Astronomy tower. One hour."

"Brilliant. We'll be there."

"Good luck, Ginerva." I nodded and jogged out of the office.

I rushed into the common room and to my luck, they were still by the fire place. Hermione with a book in her lap, Eon on the floor, sorting out chocolate frog cards and Harry lost in his book but was the first to find me.

"Are you alright?" Harry turned, shutting his book. I blinked, nodded and walked up to the dormitories. Changing into a dark jacket and black jeans, i tucked my wand in a holster that I carried in my hand so as to not raise suspicion. I could just tie it to my leg later. Picking up a bag, Dumbledore'd given me with an extension charm, I tucked the cloak in it and jogged down in my sneakers. They were still sitting there, watching me come to them. I looked around the little crowd in the common room and caught my breath, sitting between Ron and Harry.

"Meet me by the north ground, entrance of the astronomy tower, half hour. All three of you." I whispered. They looked at each other.

"Brilliant. Bring wands and dress for the cold." I added and got up and exited the common room.

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