Christmas Disaster

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


"I know it sounds mad." Harry waved, sitting on the couch by the fireplace in our lounge. We were over back at the burrow for Christmas and it seemed that Harry could not let go of the idea that something was wrong with Snape.

"Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape probably offered to help Draco simply to figure out what he was upto?" Remus Lupin asked, sitting on a seat, closer to the fire place.

"Thats not what it sounded like." He argued.

"Harry may be right, Remus." Tonks spoke, on the other side of the fireplace, staring between them. I stood beside her. I inhaled a deep breath at this conversation. I could say so much but at no cost, "To make an Unbreakable Vow, its-" She continued.

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment. Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore so do I." Lupin interrupted. He then looked up , along with Harry and Tonks and my father who sat on another seat by the couch, near Tonks. All eyes on me, waiting for an answer. I always hated these sort of situations.

"I've had my doubts about Snape and Professor Dumbledore is aware of that." I nodded, "But Lupin is right. Dumbledore trusts Snape. More so than you know." I bit my lip at Harry's defeated look. He didnt like what I said but I couldnt lie.

"Dumbledore can make mistakes." Harry spoke fixing his glasses, "He said so himself." I shut my eyes at his words. The boy was getting lost and I didn't like that Professor Dumbledore wasn't doing anything to help him further. A few answers would've helped.

"You're blinded by your hatred." Lupin snapped.

"I'm not." Harry retaliated.

"Yes, you are!" Lupin shook his head, yelling and paused. I flinched at him and he looked at me, sharing our knowing frustration. We were one day away from transformation. Looking around he dropped his head, "People are disappearing, Harry, daily. We can only put our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed."

"Look, I haven't any doubt on Snape but Malfoy I suspected and that has me investigating him as well but I cant say anything for sure. Now that Harry claims the Unbreakable Vow, I'll check for the evidence. If I find any, I'll report. I don't, well then we drop this and focus on the bigger problems. Alright?" I looked around the room. Lupin nodded.

"All okay, here?" I heard Sirius behind me. Harry nodded up at him. I shook my head when I felt his eyes on me. Tonks looked between Sirius and Lupin. Sirius nodded at her and she asked Lupin to join her for a walk. Sirius tapped my shoulder and followed them. Dad looked between Harry and me. He picked up the pillow from his lap, springing to his feet and dropped it back to the chair. He gave me a look and I understood. Harry sat with his head bowed and elbows on his knees.

"You really think Snape and Malfoy are working together?" I muttered lowly to him. He looked up at me and nodded. I hummed.

"Well, i don't know about Snape but at your word, I've been looking into the Draco and something is wrong with him. I'm not sure what is but something about him doesn't settle with me..." I spoke with a hand under my cheek with my elbow resting on my knee, "...or Dumbledore." It was my way of an assurance that he wasn't entirely dillusional.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I picked up a little berry pastry from the loaded sweets table in front of us. He looked at it and me, as i bit into it. The blueberry rolled off my tongue and I felt better again. He chuckled softly, picked one and bit into it. He matched my eye and I stared at him with something growing in me. His cheeks reddened and I felt mine heat up.

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