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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Next day, was Patronus Lessons. As I informed the crowd, everyone was thrilled to recite the spell and learn how to perform one.

"Make it a powerful memory. The happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up." I walked around. Seamus waved his wand but nothing came out, "Keep trying Seamus."

"Your turn, George." I walked around the twins. George waved his wand and a speck of light came that soon disappeared, "Keep going." Fred chuckled at him.

"A full bodied Patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms can also be equally useful against a variety of opponents." I walked around Ginny, who stood with her friends and waved her wand. Her horse spurred out, extravagantly and all i could think was that it was extraordinary how fast she caught on. Her friends giggled and I watched it run around.

"Brilliant!" I called out and she nodded, thankfully.

"Just remember, your Patronus will only protect you so long as you stay focused. So focus! Luna." I came around her. She waved her wand but nothing happened.

Soon, everyone was leading out with Patronus. Hermoine had an Otter, Ron panicked as a dog ran out from his wand.

"Think of the happiest thing you can." I spoke as Neville tried but nothing happened.

"I'm trying." He murmured.

"I know." I tried encouraging. I turned to Luna again and this time she managed to apparate a hare running around.

I turned to Ed and he was looking at his wand. I wanted this kid to perform the charm. Even though in first year, I wanted him to do it. I knew he could.

"Think of the best happiness that comes to mind Ed. The best thing that you've ever felt in your life."

"Expecto Patronum." He whispered and then his wand released a panther. I was surprised at how majestic it was for such a small boy. He laughed, excited at what'd just happened.

"Fantastic, Ed!" I clapped.

"This is really advanced stuff, guys. This is amazing." I was really proud.

Suddenly, a wave ran around the room. The chandelier beaming through the ceiling clattered in its crystals. Everyone froze and turned to the wall that vibrated. When a thud echoed, a blast followed that left a small hole in it. Nigel went ahead and bent in it, peeping though. I moved him aside and looked through and found Umbridge standing with her wand raised.

"Bombarda Maxima." She spoke in a squeaky voice. I took Nigel and ran back and away. The wall came tumbling down and everyone moved away. Umbridge stood with group of minions. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle and some other students. Malfoy pulled someone in whom I recognized to be Marietta, Cho's best friend. Her face was covered in boil like pimples which told us that she'd gone ahead and betrayed us. Hermoine'd jinxed the parchment without anyone's knowledge so that if anyone thought of betraying us and broke the contract of working with us, they would be hexed with an ugly face.

"Get them." Umbridge huffed. I watched the students follow Ron and Hermoine out the door to our side as Filch and the rest of the students, along with unbridgeable ran in. By the end, only I was left to be taken. I gave myself up really. Umbridge was pleased as she dragged me to Dumbledore's office. When the door to his office swung open, Professor Dumbledore stood by his desk with hands behind his back and standing the steps down from his writing desk , facing him, was Cornelius Fudge, Percy Weasley and Kingsley. I'd heard that he was no working with the Ministry but he'd changed. He was tall and pale with a more arrogant look marring his face. I'd always seen a strict law officer in him, since he was prefect since day one that I knew him but this side of him was cold. I entered with my head bowed.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now