The Horcrux Retrieval

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


We set up the tent and everybody slept it out. It'd been rough and none of us had the energy to stay up.

Next morning, I put the locket on a rock.

"You first." I stared at Ginny. She gulped, clutching at the white lose tshirt she wore. Her lips wavered as she pointed her wand at the necklace.

"Bombarda!" She hissed.

It blasted in flames but nothing.

"Stupefy!" Ron yelled.

Hermoine sent a curse that flamed it up.

"Confringo!" I yelled, then again. Following it blasting off. I kept throwing at it, until I got tired and turned to find the three staring at me.

"Dumbledore sent you to find horcruxes without telling you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?" Ron asked. Ginny looked at him and then me. Her expression turned solemn. I shook my head and walked away from them.

Sitting behind the tent, I looked at the locket around my neck. A sudden spark hit my neck and I twisted it, suddenly realizing I was in a jail with Gregovitch, a wand broker. Voldemort bent over him, holding his neck.

"Where is it?" He hissed.

"I dont know. He came in the night and took it." Gregovitch shivered and cried.

"I dont believe you." Voldemort, held him tighter.

"Please. Please." Gregovitch cried. Suddenly a white light blasted and I gasped awake, just in time to find Ginny walking with Hermoine to me.

"You okay?" Ginny asked.

"You saw him again, didn't you?" Hermoine asked. I was barely straightening myself. Ginny sat on a knee in front of me.

"You said you wouldn't let that happen Harry." She sighed.

"What did you see?" Ginny asked.

"He has Gregovitch and he wants something. He wants something bad." I gulped, "Like his life depends on it."

She nodded. The radio came on behind me and an irritation jumped up. I turned to yell but a hand on my knee stopped me.

"Dont." Hermoine spoke.

"What does he expect to hear?" I snapped, "Good news?"

"He just expects to not hear any bad." Ginny squeezed my knee.

"How long before he can disapperate?" I asked.

"Im doing everything I can." Hermoine sighed.

"Not enough!" I yelled. Ginny looked back at her, she shook her head sadly and went inside the tent. Ginny inhaled a hot breath.

"Walk with me." She stood.

I shook my head, enraged and got to my feet. I walked past her and she followed.

"We aren't going to get anywhere with this going on? We are stuck at one place because all you guys can do is sit behind a tent!" I yelled, "He is getting stronger every-"

"Take it off." She interupted me.


"Take the necklace off, Harry." I clenched my teeth and harshly pulled it over my head and smacked it in her outstretched flat palm. Suddenly, i felt like my head just released all the hot blood down in my body and a wind had blown the sweat off my face.

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