After The Battle of The Department Of Mysteries

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I wasn't hungry. In the empty common room, stood a slender figure by the window, looking out. The crutch in her arm, jerked one shoulder higher than the other.

"Ginny?" I called. Her free hand lifted to her face and I heard her sniff. She turned around and smirked.

"Hey. How are you?" She asked. There was a scratch on her jaw and her leg was wrapped up in a thick cast while she was dressed in her robes.

"I'm alright. You?"

"Been better." She shuffled quietly.

"Your leg..."

"Madame Pomfrey says I'll take it off before the train tomorrow." She sniffed, "A week in this, can you believe it? Said she almost had to regrow a bone." She laughed.

"I wanted to- to thank you." I gulped, remembering when she jumped in front of Sirius.

"What for?"

"You saved Sirius. You could've-"

"Harry, stop." She chuckled, "He may be your Godfather, but I like him too. He helped me a lot over the summer, y'know." She gave me a grin and then inhaled a loud breath, as I walked to the window where she stood, looking out, "What did Dumbledore say?"


"Ah. Well, better words be left for the better times, right?" She clicked her tongue and nodded. I felt a warmth seep in my skin as she squeezed my hand, "Everything's going to be okay." She smiled with her bright teeth showing a little. Even bruised up, she was managing to stay positive. Looking at her, I was reminded of how her screams could wound anyone who heard them. The memory of them were solid proof of that to me. I could tell she'd been crying but if she found it best to not tell, I couldn't push.

"I'm really hungry. Come on." She cocked her head to the door.

"I'm not hungry."

"Okay. I'm still going. Broken leg or no, I'm starving." She hissed, walking past me. I watched her bounce out of the portrait hole. I was planning to go upstairs when I realized there was no point in sulking around all day. I had a day left in this place and I wasn't going to spend that reminding myself how the world around us was crippling slowly. I headed straight for the portrait hole and to my luck, Ginny was slowly taking each step down the first set of stairs. I chuckled reaching her.

"Oi! Not funny." She grumbled, reaching the last step. We had two more flights to walk down and by the mid of the first one, she was glaring at me. I was holding back a laugh at how much she cursed every step, "You broke it. Remember that." She squinted at me as we started down the last case. I pursed away the smile. Just as we were in the mid of the case that was supposed to lead us to the smaller main staircase, the one we stood on... changed. It turned to another set of stairs and now, we had one to finish walking up and then another down. She pouted and looked at me with a look that could kill. I couldn't hold it, I snorted a little laughter and she cussed the stairs. With a lot muttering rage, laughter and then a lot of denying help, we finally reached the main stairs.

"Thanks, Ginny." I spoke when we took a breather before the main stairs. Looking at her, i realized that she was a goof but she was one of the most closest friends I had. And this year would've been a disaster without her.


"You've just done a lot without anyone asking you..."

"Actually, I have been asked by Dumbledore to do so." She straightened, looking at me with her head held high.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now