The Ministry Break-In

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Ron instructed us to a secret doorway into the ministry which led us waiting in an empty storage room, along the avenue before the London Bridge. When Ron saw out last victim approaching the storage, he bent in front of them, pretending to tie his shoelace so I could stun them to sleep and then drag them inside the storage area. When the four victim lay in front of us, we sighed a breath. It was a risky and quite tirinf what we'd done so far. I wondered how the rest would carry on.

"Mafalda Hopkirk, Reg Cattermole, Runcorn and Petsy." Ginny introduced us to the four unconscious ministry officials.

"Now, listen." She turned to us, standing in front the laying figures.

"Mafalda." She pointed at the little woman with brunette well done in a bun hair, and striped black shirt and pencil skirt, "Is Dolores Umbridge's secretary. That's going to be you, Hermoine. You have the brains, you can handle it." Hermoine nodded nervously at this.

"Cattermole, an official in the department of punishment of muggles. That's you, Ron. Stay you. Blank and bleak." Ron gave her a glare as she pointed at the gingwr haired, moustache brown coat man.

"Runcorn. Another investigator of alleged-muggleborns. Thats you, Harry." She pointed at the dark haired tall man in the large black leather over coat.

"Petsy. Secretary to Cattermole. That's going to be me." She appointed herself and then started plucking hair out. She gave each of us a disapposable cup with polujuice potion and put the assigned hair in each of glasses.

"This is mad." I muttered.

"Totally mad." Hermoine shook her head.

"The world is mad. Let's do this." Ron spoke with enthusiasm and we all stared at him as he gulped the potion. We all followed.

As always, there was pain, nausea and strong urge and faint. We shrugged off clothes from our respective individuals and walked out as high status ministry officials.

Rob led us to the public bathrooms by the train station and asked Ginny and Hermoine to take the girls bathroom. We headed for the males and saw lines of finely suited men outside each stall. We stood behind two and waited our turn. Ron went in first and then i went in mine. All i saw was a toilet seat and nothing else.

"We flush ourselves in." Ron spoke, leaninf over the partition wall, "Disgusting, isn't it?" He gagged, tuning back to his loo. I graoned putting my feet in the toilet seat and then shutting my eyes, i pulled at the flushing string.

Soon, i was walking out of a chimney in the Ministry of Magic. The place was familiar. It was the same hall, where once, i laid on the floor, fighting Voldemort's games in my head. Fighting him out of my soul. I looked around, walking awakwardly, when I found Ron, Hermoine, Ginny standing almost closely, staring at the large statue in front of them. It was a brick under which were figures, fighting to come out.

"Are those..." I started asking.

"Muggles." Hermoine spoke nervously, "In there rightful place."

We all walked a bit separate but closely to an elevator and just as we got in, the shade didn't close and were faced by a man with silver hair in a ponytail. Almost reminded me of Mr. Malfoy.

"Its raining in ny office, again, Cattermole." He spoke. Ron stared at him, almost horrified.

"Have you tried an umbrella?" He suggested.

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