The Confession

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Ginny's birthday was celebrated just as happily as mine. She'd just turned a good age of fifteen, and it suited her. She was gifted with a necklace by hermione that had a small broom pendant and Ron gave her a Hollyhead Harpies jumper. I'd given the pygmy puff but I wanted to give her more so I gave the candy box and she'd squealed and hugged me tight. I was happy that my gift worked.

The celebration went into the night, and when everything settled, Ron, Hermione and I, found Ginny alone in our room, sipping on a chalice of wolfsbane. It was starting. I felt so bad, everytime I would see this phase show up.

"Whats that?" Ron asked sitting oppsite to Ginny.

"Ron, i want to tell you something." She sighed.

"What is it?"

"This... this is Wolfsbane." She gulped and to our surprise, Ron didn't need more telling before stood up.

"You're a werewolf?" He exclaimed.

"Shh, Ronald." Hermione pulled him back down beside him.

"Yeah. I got bit last summer and its been going on since."

"Youve been one for almost a year and you didn't tell us."

"Well, Harry found out last year and Hermione..."

"I figured it out when I saw ingredients to a wolfsbane in her luggage last year before we left."

"Why am I getting to know now?" Ron looked stung.

"Because mum, dad and I decided not to tell any of you. But now that Hermione told me that she knew. I figured you should too. But you cannot tell anyone. Fred, George, Bill, Charlie,... no one."

"How could I? You chose to tell me last anyway."

"Ron, I didnt choose to tell you last. Mum and dad didn't want you lot to find out. Harry saw me transform. Hermione figured it out. And since your best friends know, I figured you should too. Please understand my position. For once."

"Fine." He shook his head.

"Good." She sighed.

"When's the next... you know?"



"Dont worry. I go far away and transform. Mostly I've just been sleeping through."

"And you're alright with this?" Ron asked.

"Of course not." Ginny chuckled, "Im a werewolf Ron. My whole life will be hiding from people because they will be too scared to know. The diary wasn't enough and now this." She shook her head, "Anyway, I've done enough pity party already so a year later, I'd say I'm doing well."

"Have you had any losing control sort of episodes?" Hermione asked.

"Erm, twice." Ginny gulped.

"Once was my second transformation. And second was over Christmas last year. I'd hurt Lupin too."

"That explains the new scar on his neck after the full moon." Hermione nodded.

"Yeah." Ginny nodded, sadly.

"Anyway... thought you should know." She pointed at Ron and sighed.


"Ron?" I asked as he sat on his bed, rocking back and forth.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now