The Deathly Hallows

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Christmas holidays were over and we were ready to board the train back to Hogwarts.

"Ed, don't. Don't go. Stay. It's not safe..."

"Aunt Mary, I cant just leave my friends alone."

"Ed, I admire your bravery but you are only thirteen."

"Your point?" I cocked a brow.

"Oh, Merlin, I can never win a conversation with you, can I?" She groaned, pulling back a short strand of her bob, purple highlights hair.

"When you know, why do you try?" I cocked a brow.

"Oh, don't be smart with me, come on, let's get you to the platform."

We headed for the train and soon I boarded it and found Nigel and Nancy in a compartment.

"Ed?" I heard and turned to find a shy and petite Jenna Macy. Macy was a third year as well, and we'd met her first year but only well by last. I called her Macy because... well, I liked Macy. She was sweet and kind but brave when it came to peril. She was looking at me saddened, and I asked her to get in the compartment. Her frown didn't dwell well with me.

"What is it Jenna?" Nancy asked.

"They took my Grandpa." She sniffed. Macy only had her mother and Grandpa. They were both wizards but her father was a muggle and had passed a while ago, due to a sickness. I scooted closer to her and pressed a hand on her shoulders, "I didn't want to leave mum but she's stuck at work now. The aurors are being treated so horribly and are always at the job. I had to come back though. I couldn't just leave my friends, right?" She looked around.

"She'll be fine, Macy." I assured her. She nodded, wiping a small tear from under her eye.

"Did you find the daily prophet issue from October?" She gulped, "Look." She pulled it out of her bag and handed it to Nancy. Nancy's eyes widened when she read it.

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger spotted at the Ministry of Magic, along with a Ministry traitor Ministry Personnel."

I snatched the paper from her and saw the moving picture. It was brief but Harry was running across the floor, followed by Ron and Hermione. They were in weird clothes and someone was beside Harry but hidden in him.

"That's Ginny. She's with Harry." I hissed, "I can't believe we missed this."

"I don't think we should worry about it. I'm sure they're fine. Harry's pretty powerful." Nigel added. I nodded and folded the paper back, looking at a solemn Macy.

When the train stopped, we found Neville on the platform and all five of us took the same carriage to school. Macy was so quite that it ached me. I took her hand and she squeezed it back.

Merlin, when would this be over. I sighed.


It was getting dark and Hermoine and Ginny were still a little aloof with Ron. He'd been back for a week now and he told me all about how he'd been laying low and how almost every area was infiltrated with snatchers and death eaters. He even tried to go back to the Grimauld Place but the street was polluted as well. He couldn't go back to to the Burrow either because he knew he was being tracked so he was miserable in his time alone.

"You alright?" Ron asked Ginny, innocently, who was carrying Dumbledore's diary outside of the tent. She paused and looked up at him.

"I can't say I appreciate the fact that you left me alone. But I'm okay. Its someone else who went through more trouble who deserves your making up for this." She looked at Hermoine who sat outside the tent.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now