The Birthday Celebration

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I woke up to my bed moving. Opening my eyes, I searched for my glasses by the side table to find Hermione sitting beside me and Ron standing with folded arms.

"Harry. When did you get in? We haven't heard from you all summer? Sirius told us only so much about you."

"Hermione, let the man breathe." Ron groaned.

"We've been so worried Harry. You know last year-"

"Hermione, no." Ron interupted again. I know what they were getting at and honestly, I wasn't in the mood for it. Suddenly there was a pop in my room and Ginny staggered by the other bed. Her cloak was dirty and hair wet. She looked at all of us wide eyed.

"Shush!" She raised a finger as we heard rapid footsteps. She shoved off her cloak, ran fingers through her hair and came to stand beside Ron.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley burst into my room, "Where have you been?"

"Been talkin' to them all morning." She looked at her mother with a grin that was nervous in every way.

"Well, since you've showered, come help me downstairs."

"But I'm so tired."


"Because... I don't want to work." She gave a chuckle.

"Come down! Now!" And she stormed out.

Ginny yawned as Mrs. Weasley was out of earshot.

"Where're you coming from?" I looked at her.

"Dumbledore." She pursed her lips, "Excuse me. I'm going to clean up before mum figures anything out." She left groaning and I couldn't help but watch her leave. But sooner than ever the door burst open and Ginny marched in.

"Im so frustrated. I can't deal with her anymore." That was weird. Was she talking about Mrs. Weasley, "She's always blabbing and it gets annoying. She thinks she's something so perfect but I can't do it." I was shocked at how she was talking about Mrs. Weasley. She was dressed in a new shirt and pants and her hair were completely dry now. A rush of a pleasant scent roamed the room but I couldn't figure it out.

"I agree." Hermione groaned with displeasure written on her face.

That was a bigger shock. Hermione talking about Mrs. Weasley like so. Before I could ask what they were talking about, another figure appeared from the door and thats when I realized who they were probably talking about. I pulled the sheets to my chest, causing Hermione to fall off it. I wasn't unclothed, I'd just never woken up to so many people in the morning in my room.

Fleur DeLacor walked in happy and high with the silver hair and a breakfast tray in her hands.

"'Arryyy!" She chanted placing the tray on my bed, beside me and bending to place kisses on each cheek, "How are you? Eet eez so good to see you."

"You too, Fleur." I smiled, slightly burning up with her presence. She was a beautiful woman.

Just as she came giggling. She left. Ginny and Hermione grimaced as she went out of sight.

"She's lovely." Ron smiled big.

"Oh, Ron you are just waiting for the next moment for her to give you another one of her cheek kisses." Ginny groaned.

"Ginny!" We heard a call and she groaned.

"I don't wanna go." She whined.

"Go where?" I asked.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now