The Will

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


Next day, I found everyone busy with chores and setting up a massive arrangement outside in the backyard of the Burrow. It seemed that the set up for the wedding. Every single Weasley was over loaded with work and Hermione kept herself with Ron.


I heard while sitting on the deck behind the burrow. It was Sirius. He sat beside me and I played with a wild flower I'd pulled from the floor.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"No one should die for this. They all deserve a life, not this nightmare." I pulled off a petal.

"Everyone's chosen to be here. We've been preparing for this, long before you came, Harry." I looked up at him, wiping a tear off my nose. He smiled at me, "Why do you think Dumbledore prepared the Order?"

"Yeah, but what about George's curse? Ginny's hiding? Hermione giving up her family? They deserve better." I bit my lip.

"Look over there." He pointed far by the tall grass. Ginny was running after George with her wand.

"You prat!" She yelled. George was laughing at her.

I chuckled.

"They have a life. One of their own. Ginny chose to fight for you. George chose to protect his family. Hermione didn't lose her family, she's left them in protection from any horror. Once this is over, we will give her family back. It isn't an accident that they're here Harry. Even if you'd never met Ron, Hermione or Ginny, one way or another, they would've been in the battle. The only reason you're captured in the middle by it is because you were chosen to destroy him. Otherwise, he is trying to take over the entire Wizarding world. And all these people belong there." He tapped my cheek, "Harry, if anything they are at an advantage because the chosen one can't seem to live without them." He cupped my cheeks. I nodded and hugged him.

"James was right. You are like Lily." He chuckled. I did too, "Kind... and brave."

"Ginny! The bat bogey hex? No!" Mrs. Weasley yelled as George ran away, waving them off.

"It's that one that scares me." He muttered on my head and I laughed, moving back.

After a while, we walked in and found Ron, Hermione and Ginny with Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen.

"Sirius, can you help Arthur with the floorings outside?" Mrs. Weasley asked, chopping onions. Sirius tapped my back and nodded before walking out.

"Ginny, go pick out some berries."

"Right now?" Ginny whined.

"Yes." Mrs. Weasley gave her a strong eye.

When she left, I smiled.

"Ron, Hermione dear, think you can help me with the sausages and dough?"

"Alright." Ron shook his head.

"Harry, dear, why don't you grab some juice or coffee, I'm sure you're tired." She smiled.

"Oh, no. No. I can help Ginny." I offered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Well, alright. It's a lot of work so be careful, dear." I nodded and headed out. Ginny was no where to be seen, until in a large distance, I saw a red speck moving in distance away from the direction where they were setting up. I chuckled, walking through the grass. When I closed in and she started coming into view, my breath hitched. She stood in a one piece black swimsuit that showed her legs with a neckline that was round and high up to around her neck and sleeveless. Her red hair flared around her shoulders and she looked down her body as her face tonite red. She knew I was looking at the faint red scars running up from her knee to her hip. I gulped.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now