Malfoy Suspicion

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I don't own any of the characters. All credit goes to the Epic J.K. Rowling of course and always.


I woke up early, and dressed faster. I had Divinition in the morning and then a meet up with Professor Dumbledore. I'd thought about what Harry'd said the first night and it kept me up almost every other night for the past couple weeks.


A Death Eater?

And what job was he given?

I needed to talk to Professor Dumbledore and he'd sent a letter for a meeting early in the morning to my luck. I was just trudging down the steps when I ran into Neville.

"Hey!" He laughed.

"Hey, what're you doing?" I asked as he sat with an opened Herbology book, "Aren't you going to come down for breakfast?"

"I didn't feel up to it."

"What is it?" I sat on the opposite chair.

He shook his head with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Neville?" I squeezed his arm.

"Do you really think Hogwarts is in danger?" He asked with worry in his brows. I wanted to say no but I wasnt going to lie to him. I nodded.

"What if... what if we fail?"

"Well, we've got something to fight for. Don't we? So let's get to the fighting part and see to the result later on. How about that?" I took his hand and squeezed it. He nodded.

"Come on." I stood. He sighed and stood. We headed out together.

"Do you have a class?" He asked.

"Yeah. Divinition." I clicked my tongue, "You?"

"Free for now, Herbology later." He nodded as we made it through the last steps. Just as we reached the open doors for the great hall, I bumped into Malfoy.

"Watch where you're going Longface." Malfoy grinded his teeth.

"Back off, Malfoy." Neville spoke and I looked at him wide-eyed. Malfoy's jaw sharpened and I stared at him with crossed arms. He inhaled a loud breath and walked away.

"Neville!" I smacked his arm with my notebook, "That was amazing!" I laughed.

"Im still surprised he didn't hex me." He whispered. I laughed.

"Come on."

"Ginny!" I heard a call and turned to find Dean running to me. He kissed top of my head and walked with us. Hermoine, Ron and Harry were seated already. Hermoine waved a hand at me and we made our way. I slid beside her, with Neville by my side. Dean stood and looked past.

"Am I seeing you after class?" He asked.

"I'll be a bit busy today. I'm sorry." I gave him a smile.

"Ginny, you are never free." He fought. I looked around and everyone looked at me awkwardly. I stood and took his arm.

"I have some extra lessons this year." I whispered, "How about we go for a drink at the three broomsticks?" I sighed.

"Fine." He nodded and gave him a chaste kiss before leaving and heading to Seamus at the end of the table. I licked my lip and sat between Hermoine and Neville.

"You okay?" Hermoine whispered.

"No." I mumbled, taking the orange juice chalice and drinking.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Where stories live. Discover now