Chapter 1

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"Boss, I just did the med count, and we are short 180 hydrocodones and 14 boxes of fentanyl patches."
I looked up from my computer and scoffed at the employee, older than me but not quite as wise. Being 18 and a supervisor, this was just an ordinary day at the Dollar Pills. The employee had a look of confusion and fear on his face. I sighed, wiping the long strand of dirty blonde hair from my face.
"What did you fuck up this time, Jerry?"
"N-nothing I s-swe-"
"Ah cut your shit and go count it again. If I catch you selling or snorting, you're fired!"
Jerry quickly ran off to recount the narcotics. I smirked as I looked back down at my computer, typing in a few commands on a program  I had created myself. It was a simple little application, altering the pharmacy system's inventory without a trace of documentation. Being raised by Uncle Lester wasn't the most normal childhood I could have endured. Instead of dolls, I got computers and coding books for my birthday. Instead of playing with other kids from school, I was forced to type 280 lines of code a night, and retype them if they were wrong. I can't blame the old man though, he wasn't the most fit for raising a kid, and took on the responsibility rather well. I quickly shut off the application, closing the computer and placing it back in my bag. I checked my phone for the time.
6:00 PM.
I smirked as I packed the rest of my stuff up, being careful not to rattle my bag too much. I'd came this far, didn't wanna give myself away that easily.
"Alright you maggots, the inventory better be right tomorrow. I'm out."
"Goodnight boss!"  Chimed my lovely pill pushers.
I exited the door and got into my old Glendale Custom, the engine rattling as I cranked up the Non Stop Pop.
I drove back to Uncle's factory, parking beside his car. I placed my bag over my shoulder and headed upstairs.
"I'm home, Uncle!" I yelled through the corridor.
"Great, the little trouble maker has returned." Lester groaned from the other room, quickly switching tabs as if he was in the middle of watching an inappropriate video. I entered his office and went to place my bags down, when he stopped me mid action.
"Don't get too comfortable here, kiddo. You're moving out."
I quickly snapped my head around and stared at him, blankly. The man who raised me from the age of 3 when my father died. The man who taught me all the roots of hacking. Is the same man that is evicting my barely legal ass?
"Excuse me?" I blurted out.
"You heard me. Listen, I know what you've been doing at the drug store, and while you may think it's a childish joke, with your cute little program, the FIB is going to catch up to ya. And I'm not having my factory exposed due to your drug dealing shenanigans."
Lester turned around in his chair, sliding a small black briefcase towards me. I didn't even bother to pick it up. I was, heartbroken, so to speak. 15 years of living here because my mother died of suicide and my father died of a robbery gone wrong, and now my only parent figure is giving me away? A tear slipped from my eye, but I quickly brushed it away.
"Uncle I'm sor-"
"Don't even start with that mess. Here's all you will need for your new life. You're going to live with a dear friend of mine, Michael DeSanta. But let me tell you, you think ole Uncle Lester is strict, Mr. DeSanta isn't going to put up with your childish antics. Now have your room packed by morning and I'll help you move in to your new house."
He sighed.
"I'm sorry Bryn, but Uncle Lester is getting older and can't reverse as much crime as he used to."
I slowly bent over and picked up the small briefcase, and headed for my room. I didn't have much at our personal home, I usually stayed in the factory. Better internet access and a more discrete location for forgery. I pulled a few bags out of the closet and started packing, a knot forming in my stomach.

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