Author's Note

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Hi, what's up everyone?

And I'm back with another story. This time, it's more of a college life and love life story with a twist of course. I don't really know how will this story goes because only my out of this world imagination knows about it. But, my ships are still the same only this time, I'm focusing on TaeTzu. And again, advance sorry for grammatical error, English is not my first language. I deeply apologize for making some of the characters here bad, it's just so that I could fully make this work. I don't hate the idols and in fact, I really love all of them. So, I'm sorry for that.

If some of you don't like my ships then, you can freely leave my book because I'm not forcing you to read this if you don't like it. And if you find my book interesting, please leave a vote and a comment down below. All of you can also find my first book on my profile. Thank you.

Stay safe!

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