Chapter 10

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Tzuyu's POV

Three days already passed after me and Taehyung spend a whole day together at the apartment and I must say, we became less more enemies and started to became more like friends to each other. Not that we don't hate each other anymore but, it's more like it became our habit to bicker with each other every day.

"Morning baby, what's up?" And speaking of the devil and he shall appear. I turned to Taehyung and annoyingly rolled my eyes on him before answering.

"Baby your ass playboy." I reprimand and was about to walk out when he suddenly held my arm.

"Hey, I thought we we're already good? Why the sudden change of attitude baby girl?" Taehyung asked and pouted, acting like a sulking toddler right now.

Tsk... He's really an alien from Mars.

"Stop with your childishness and pouting, it doesn't suit you really, you looked like an ugly duck right now." I scolded and slightly slapped his face.

But it was surely just a joke when I told him he looked like an ugly duck when in fact, he looked cute and handsome at the same time. I just wanted to lie about that fact because I know Taehyung, when I told him the truth he will surely starts to assume more things.

"And also, we're still enemies. Try changing your attitude first, maybe I will change my thoughts about you." I added before leaving him alone at the hallway.

When I already arrived at our classroom, I saw my unnies teasing Dahyun unnie, who's blushing fiercely right now.

What's happening?

"Morning girls, what's the tea right now?" I instantly asked once I arrived at my seat. The three of them turned their heads at me in synchronization.

"Hi Tzuyu, guess what? Jimin oppa is courting Dahyun!" Sana unnie blissfully said as my eyes widen at her statement.

"JinJja?!" I exclaimed and looked at Dahyun unnie who's only hiding her blushing face.

"Ne, Jimin oppa started courting me just three days ago." Dahyun unnie shyly admitted as I lightly squealed and held her hands.

"Oh my gosh.... I'm so happy for you unnie." I sincerely said and hugged her.

"Happy for what Tzuyu?" An involuntary scream escaped my lips when someone suddenly spoke behind us, making me surprised.

"Taehyung!" I shouted and smacked his head.

"You scared me!" I added, glaring at him.

"Ah mianhae Tzuyu but, what are the four of you so happy about, especially you Dubu?" When Taehyung oppa said those words, Dahyun unnie's eyes suddenly went wide, like she heard something surprising.

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