Chapter 24

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Tzuyu's POV


I flinched when Lisa unnie's high pitched voice echoed on my ear. The both of us are currently here at our apartment just chilling out because its finally weekends and Jungkook oppa is with Sana unnie. While were watching movies, I suddenly said to my cousin what happened back at Mingyu's place last day.

"He said what?!" Lisa unnie spitted out her drink when I said to her what happened, as I nod my head.

"Ne unnie, he really said that. What will I do now?" I worriedly asked, as Lisa unnie glanced back at me.

"Nothing, you will do nothing, you understand me? Just act normal and it's much better if you will avoid him starting from now. Forget everything and just focus on Taehyung." Lisa unnie suggested.

She's right. I should just avoid him like what Taehyung ordered me to do. And I'll stop thinking about what he said to me back at their house.


"Please Taehyung... Can I go there tomorrow? Pretty please...."

This is the fifth time I'm asking Taehyung about this, and I even tried acting cute in front of him but he still didn't agree.

The heck?! I'm just seriously embarrassing myself right now to Taehyung.

"No, and that's final." And again, his line every time his not agreeing with me.

Why am I even asking for his permission if I could just go there myself? Maybe because he's courting me, and we have mutual feelings for each other, I guess?

"Taehyung, you don't understand it." I whined, and grabbed his arm.

I'm seriously doing everything that I can do just to make Taehyung agree with me.

"Understand what, Tzuyu? Tell me, why do you have to go there when Mingyu can just go in your apartment?" Taehyung challenged, crossing his arms as I sighed at this man's stubborn attitude.

Sometimes, I just really can't handle Taehyung's stubbornness. Ugh! I'm seriously going nuts now.

"Because, Jungkook oppa, Sana unnie, Lisa unnie and BamBam oppa are already going there tomorrow and it will just tighten the space inside our apartment." I reasoned out, but he still shook his head.

"Give me another reason, a more valid one." I was stupefied at my place when Taehyung firmly said those words like a father interrogating his daughter, who's going on her first date.

Like seriously?!

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