Chapter 5

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Tzuyu's POV

"I can be loyal and lovable when it comes to you, my baby princess...."

"I can be loyal and lovable when it comes to you, my baby princess...."

"I can be loyal and lovable when it comes to you, my baby princess...."

"My baby princess...."

"My baby princess...."

Ugh!!! This Kim Stupid Taehyung is starting to invade my mind, that his words kept ringing on it for like a whole one hour, that I can't focus on what the others were talking about.

"Ugh!! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" 

I angrily burst out, throwing the pillow everywhere at the room making the others surprised by my sudden outburst.

"I HATE YOU!" I hurl the nearest thing that my hand reach and immediately slamming it at the wall. The sound of the alarm clock breaking into pieces made them flinched.

Now the others will start to think that I already lost my mind. F*uck you, Kim Taehyung!

"Hey, hey, hey. What happened to you? Why are you suddenly angry and started throwing things?" Jungkook oppa tried to calm me down, as Sana unnie gave me a glass of water.

"I hate him. I hate him!" I shouted, forcefully shaking my brother's shoulder because of rage.

"Ouch! Ouch! Tzuyu, stop it! I'm not him, stop hitting me." Jungkook oppa complained, grabbing both my hands as I tried to calm myself down.

"Unnie... I can't do it." I whispered and suddenly burst out into tears.

Now, it's making me bipolar. What have you done to me, Kim Taehyung?

"Shh.... Stop crying Tzuyu. Tell us, what did he do to you?" Jennie unnie worriedly asked, as my brother comforted me.

This is really crazy. What will I tell them? That I'm like this because that Kim Taehyung started to invade my mind with his stupid, seductive words towards me? Now that's stupid.

I buried my face more into my brother's embrace and shook my head indicating no.

"Can I just keep it for myself?" I shyly asked, hiding my embarrassed face from the others.

"Fine, if that is what you want. Just always remember, all of us are here if you need someone to talk to." Namjoon oppa sincerely said as the others nod before going back to their own businesses.

"Actually, can I talk to Sana unnie, Dahyun unnie, Lisa unnie, Jennie unnie and Irene unnie?" I asked, as the five of them looked at me.

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