Chapter 1

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Tzuyu's POV

At last, I already arrived here. Seoul, South Korea.

I'm from Taiwan, just a typical girl wanting to explore new things in life. I wanted to study here in Seoul and gladly, my parents agreed but, in one condition.


I turned my head to the familiar voice and immediately smiled, opening my arms wide.


My big brother engulfed me into a tight hug as I chuckled and hug back.

"How was your flight, sis?" While walking towards the exit of the airport, me and my brother started talking.

"It was good but, at the same time very tiring." I exclaimed, slinging my arms around my brother's shoulder.

"I'm glad we're finally living together sis. Me, you and Lisa." He stated which made me smile.

"Yeah, I missed the old days. You, me and Lisa unnie going at the same school together." Saying this, it made me think what would have happened if Jungkook oppa and Lisa unnie didn't moved here to study college.

"Don't worry Yoda, the three of us will be finally reunited again and this time, you will meet new people who's also very nice to us, well expect for someone." Jungkook oppa said, his face turned downward when he mentioned the last word.

"What do you mean oppa?" I curiously asked, as he scratched his nape before answering.

"You will find out soon for now, let's get going. Lisa is probably waiting for you at the apartment already." He stated making me chuckle.

Not bragging but, mine and Jungkook oppa's family are kinda rich. Me and Jungkook oppa are siblings while Lisa unnie is our cousin. We also have three more cousins namely, Jin oppa, Irene unnie and Jisoo unnie. They also study here at Seoul alongside with my brother and Lisa unnie, that's why I wanted to study here so that I can be with them already.

"Tzu, can you wait here? I'm just going inside that convenience store to buy something Lisa ordered me, or else I will be a dead meat to her later." Jungkook oppa informed as I laughed nodding my head.

"Yeah sure oppa. I don't want to see you later get beaten up by unnie because you forgot to buy what she ordered you." I mocked as he rolled his eyes to me before entering the store just meters away from the airport.

My brother sure has big toned muscles and can clearly knock out a person in just a second but, when it comes to our cousin, Lisa unnie he always loses that's why the both of them like to bicker each other.

While imagining the things that will happen starting tomorrow, I didn't notice someone was approaching my direction that cause us to bump each other me, colliding my butt with the cold floor.

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