Chapter 9

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Dahyun's POV

"Do you think it worked?"

I asked them when we were all already complete inside the club house, except for Taehyung oppa and Tzuyu.

"Maybe, let's just wait a little longer." Sana unnie answered which we all agreed on.



"Tzuyu can't go to school tomorrow, she still needs rest." Irene unnie stated in which we all instantly agreed to.

"But, I know Tzuyu. She's stubborn as hell, she won't agree without doing a fight." Lisa unnie said, already imagining the maknae's protest tomorrow when she finds out about this.

"Leave it to me Lisa, I know how to make Tzuyu agree on us." Jungkook oppa volunteered while smirking.

"For sure, you will just threaten Tzuyu using your parents and then poof, she already agreed to you. I know you too well Jungkook." Jin oppa nonchalantly said, as the younger only scratched his head making us laugh.

"The only thing that's left is someone to take care and look after her. Anyone?" Jisoo unnie asked scanning all of the people inside the club house.

"Mianhae, we still have exams tomorrow." RM oppa informed, pertaining to the elder ones among us.

"How about the younger ones? Anyone one from you?" Yoongi oppa asked as we exchanged meaningful glances to each other.

"Mianhae, I also have something important thing to do tomorrow with Jennie unnie and BLΛƆKPIИK." Lisa said.

"How about you Dahyun, Sana, Jungkook, Jimin?" Jihyo unnie asked.

"Ahh me? I'm having dance practice tomorrow." Jimin oppa answered.

"The three of us still have paperwork to do, sorry." I instantly answered, pertaining to me, Sana unnie and Jungkook oppa.

"Then who's gonna look out for Tzuyu then? I can't just leave my sister all alone inside our apartment, our parents will surely kill me if something bad happened to my sister." Jungkook oppa frantically said, running a hand through his hair.

"I'll look out for Tzuyu." We all turned our heads to the voice and saw Taehyung oppa leaning against the wall.

"You? But, for sure you and Tzuyu will just end up bickering each other. No thanks." Jeongyeon unnie refused as Taehyung oppa sighed.

"Look, I know we still hate each other and will surely just fight. But, like what I said yesterday, I'm not gonna leave Tzuyu alone from now on and that's final, no buts." Taehyung oppa ended the conversation and slammed the door shut.

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