Chapter 40

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Tzuyu's POV

I woke up feeling a little bit dizzy with a pain still aching in my head and most importantly, something heavy was on top of my left hand making it a little bit sore due to its heaviness.

Gosh, is this thing some kind of a bulldozer or what? Cause its super heavy for God's sake!

But the soreness I felt from just a while ago instantly fade away when I saw what was on top of my hand or rather, who the person was on top of it.

He really did keep his promise, huh?

Oh well, at least his the very first person I saw today after waking up.

Since his still sleeping peacefully on my left hand, I decided to play with his hair using my other free hand.

Oh wow! I never knew his hair was super silky. I wonder what shampoo he uses because his hair also smells wonderful.

I only stopped with what I'm currently doing when he suddenly moved and groaned, signs that his about to wake up. When he finally lifted his face up, his eyes immediately went wide when he saw me already awaken while smiling at him.

"Hi. Did you sleep well?" I casual asked, but was taken by surprise when he suddenly hugged me tight, ignoring my question just a minute ago as I hug him back.

"You scared me to death, I thought I'd lose you again." He whispered as I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Silly, I still can't die you know. God's mission to me isn't finished yet." I stated followed by a wink, and then laughed when I saw how his face instantly turned into a frown, clearly confused and curious at the same time with what I'm talking about.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He questioned, squinting his eyes at me as I only shook my head.

You. You're my unfinished mission here on Earth. I still need to do something that can finally make you happy forever.

"Nothing. Hey, how many hours did you sleep? Your eyebags are getting bigger." I denied and changed the topic while pointing under his eyes, as he chuckled before stifling a yawn.

Taehyung really is obvious that his still sleepy.

"Hmm... I guess maybe three up to five hours since the last three days." He answered, putting a finger under his chin acting like somehow his thinking.

What the...

"Three days?! You mean, I was out for three days straight?!" I shockingly exclaimed, shaking both of his shoulders as he laughed before yawning again.

Aww, poor Tae-Tae.

What the hell did I just think right now?!

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