Chapter 32

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Taehyung's POV

It's been exactly an hour straight since Tzuyu went outside to go at the comfort room and she still hasn't come back until now.

I'm starting to get worried about her. Something behind my mind keeps telling me that something bad happened to Tzuyu. I just hope I'm not right or I might lose my mind because of worrying about her this much.

The graduation ceremony already ended as my father started congratulating the honors and graduates for this school year. While me, I'm just here at my seat still waiting for Tzuyu to come back inside the gymnasium. I was about to approach my father to ask permission if I can go out and find Tzuyu when a familiar feminine voice rang at the entrance of the gym, sounding so urgent.

"Mr. Principal! Mr. Kim!" Yeji shouted and ran to my father.

She seems to be in a hurry right now. I wonder where this girl went? Because from her current state right now, I can literally tell that she ran from a far place towards here because she's panting really hard, catching her breath.

"Oh, Ms. Hwang, what happened? Why are you suddenly running?" My dad asked, and I was about to go out because it's probably just something involve about school but my feet doesn't cooperate with my mind right now because instead of going outside, my feet then dragged me closer towards them.

"Garden...... Gold....... Stealing....... Stopping......" She said in between her breathes, but I can't seem to understand what she's saying.

Gold, stealing? What?!

But that's the opposite with my father's reaction because he seems to understand Yeji's words as he suddenly widens his eyes.

"What?! Are you sure about that, Yeji?" My dad exclaimed in a surprised manner as the girl nod her head. While me, here I am, looking back and forth to my father and Yeji, my mind right now full with confusion.

What are these two people talking about?!

"Ne Mr. Kim, but don't worry, Jungkook oppa and his cousins are already handling it, while Tzuyu unnie has the gold with her and ordered me to tell you that you can meet here at Namsan Tower." She explained as both me and my father frowned, but I think in different reasons.

I frowned because of pure confusion on what she's talking about, while my father seems to be frowning because of suspicion.

"How did you know about that?" My father asked in an accusing tone, as Yeji seems to get what my father means because she immediately widens her eyes while shaking her head vigorously, like denying something.

"No, no, no. It isn't like what you are currently thinking right now Mr. Kim, in fact, me alongside with Tzuyu unnie and her cousin were the ones who created the plan on stopping them." Yeji instantly defended as my father arched an eyebrow, still doesn't believing her.

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