Chapter 34

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Taehyung's POV

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

F*uck it!

That three simple words really hit me hard. It was like something stab me from my back. My heart shattered into millions of pieces that seems too hard to be mended again. This is more painful than being broken hearted because your girlfriend left you. This is way too far from that, it seems like my soul left my body for good. In other words, and simple term, my life right now is as miserable as f*uck.

It hurts when reality slapped you the truth that your love one can't remember you. Tzuyu can't remember even a single memory about me! And that made me really hurt.

Why does she need to have an amnesia?!

She can remember her relatives but not us! She can remember Jungkook, Lisa, Jin hyung and even that f*ucking Mingyu! And you know what's the worst here?! This,


After the doctor confirmed that Tzuyu had an amnesia because of that hard impact that happened to her head because of that accident, I felt everything suddenly stopped functioning inside me.

"But, Tzuyu can remember us? But not them?" Jungkook asked, pointing me.

"Ah yes, she's suffering from retrograde amnesia. It will make her forget the recent activities she had before the accident. That explains why she hasn't recognized other people's faces. The patient can remember her past relatives including her parents and siblings or other closer friends from the past but, she can't remember her current friends. Just like now, she can remember her brother and cousins but not her friends, that's one of the examples. But don't worry, I think she can recover her memory back again and all of you can also help her, just don't push it too much in explaining because she might hurt her head when she's thinking too much." She further explained. The ones who were left to watch out for Tzuyu were all inside the room to listen with the doctor's explanation while Tzuyu is still asleep.

"Thanks for explaining it to us Doc." Jin hyung thanked her as she finally exited the room.

"So, that means she can't remember us?" Sana sadly asked, as Jungkook nods his head and gave his girlfriend a tight hug while giving the rest of us a forced smile.

"Unfortunately, she can't remember all of you for now. Take note, for now. The doctor said she can regain her memories back, so there's a big possibility that she can remember all of you again in just a span of time when we help her." Jungkook encourage us, like saying we can do this.

In which I definitely agree on, I'm not giving Tzuyu up. She's my everything.

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