Chapter 4

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Tzuyu's POV

"Stop following me!"

That's the only sentence which came out from my mouth the whole time we had a break from class, because this alien over here kept following me everywhere I go.

"Stop complaining and keep walking. Just pretend I'm not here and only a ghost roaming around, and I'll follow you wherever you go, my baby." He flirted and even winked at me.

The nerve of this man!

"I'll count to three, if you don't leave me alone I'm going to punch you straight in the face." I threatened showing him my fist as he chuckled.

"Try me." He challenged and I was about to punch him when he suddenly moved away, making me to lose my balance and to stumble down, if it weren't for someone catching me fast enough.

"I'm not always around to catch you when you fall down on the ground but, I'm definitely sure I'll catch you if you ever fall for me one day, my princess." He whispered and lightly licked my earlobe, making me shiver.

Why does it have to be me?! I only wanted to have a peaceful life with my love ones. And not with this arrogant man in front of me.

"Get off me you flirt! And don't follow me!" I shouted and immediately went away from him.

Why do I really hate him in the first place? I'm confused. Maybe because we meet at a very bad timing, I guess. 

Yeah, that's definitely the reason.

"Oh, Tzuyu! Here!" Jihyo unnie shouted loudly as I smiled and went towards my friends table.

"So, how was your first class Tzu?" Jin oppa asked while eating his food, as I sighed and grabbed mine before answering.

"It was fine. Biology was very hard and also interesting at the same time. Gladly, Sana unnie was there and able to help me." I stated and started making circles around my food, imagining that it was Taehyung and I was the fork killing him.

I know, I'm kinda wild and weird when it comes to my imagination.

"Tzuyu!" I flinched when someone suddenly shouted at my ear making me groan in pain.

What the---

"What?!" I angrily asked my brother, who was the one who shouted at my ears just know.

"Your spacing out, I kept calling your name for like the fifth time and you still weren't answering and just keep making circles on your food. I know what your thinking right now Tzuyu, and I'm definitely sure you can't do it, so stop with your wild imaginations and have mercy to your food will you?" Jungkook oppa stated, pointing at my food which is already torn apart into pieces.

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