Chapter 7

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Tzuyu's POV

"How dare you to do that to her?!"

The girls flinched when Taehyung darkly growled and glared to them that I, myself also flinched even if the words and glares wasn't really directed towards me.

He's kinda scary when his angry.

Taehyung harshly hurled the girl's wrist making her to slightly wince in pain.

"Answer me! Why did the five of you did that to her, huh?! Did Tzuyu do something bad to all of you, that you even pushed her at the wall? F*ucking answer me!" He angrily shouted making them to shiver because of fear. His eyes are different right now, a while ago it was mirroring a color of hazel brown but right now, it's like all the colors just sink away only remaining a dark and blank iris. His jaw aggressively moved and breath uneven.

But, did he just say wall? He saw everything that happened a while, ago didn't he?

"S-She's seducing y-you o-oppa..." Another girl answered, making my eyes to go wide.

What?! Seducing?! They have got to be kidding me.

"Seducing?! Are you serious?! Tzuyu's isn't seducing me! In fact, I'm the one who's actually seducing her! Why are the five of you so immature to understand just a simple thing?! I'm the playboy here yet, your blaming a girl who didn't even did something bad to you!" Taehyung shouted, his face turning slight red due to anger.

"And what?! I'm yours?! Really now? Tell me, no scratch that, give me one simple reason why should I belong to you." He challenged making the girl to go ashen pale before she smirks.

Can I just slap this girl right now? Her smirk is super disgusting to look at.

"Because I'm beautiful and sexy unlike that new transferee, who's just a piece of trash. C'mon Taehyung, I know you like me. Stop being dumb, can't you see?! You're just wasting your precious time seducing that insensitive girl, when you can clearly just bring me home with you and we can have s*ex every night if you want."

That literally blown me away. She even has the guts to say that disgusting words in front of me, and also him. I took a glance at the man beside me and saw him tightening his jaw, while clenching his fist at the side, clearly controlling his temper and self.

Oh no, she just hit a ticking bomb right now.

"Are you serious?! S*ex?! Are you even thinking straight right now?! Yes, I admit I'm a total playboy but accusing me with that disgusting word is just crossing the line. I'm not playing with girls just to pleasure myself and my needs. I only like to play with their feelings but not their bodies, because I still have respect towards myself and to girls. But you, just look at yourself. Your desperate to have that pleasure that your lowering your own dignity, just because of that stupid thing!" Taehyung angrily shouted, spitting harsh words to the girl, who's on the verge of crying.

Mr. Arrogant Playboy Meets Ms. StraightforwardWhere stories live. Discover now