Chapter 2

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Tzuyu's POV


A loud feminine voice echoed inside the apartment room when me and Jungkook oppa entered.


I shout back, engulfing my cousin into a tight hug making us both to fall down on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, you've grown so tall maknae, I envy you." Lisa unnie whined and pouted making me chuckle.

"And you've grown beautiful unnie, I envy you for that." I countered back and we burst out laughing.

"I will never understand girls." Jungkook oppa mumbled plopping himself down on the couch to watch his favorite show, Sponge Bob.

Tsk... His so childish.

"Jungkook, did you bought what I ordered you?" Lisa unnie asked, helping me up as I dust off the dirt on my jeans and shirt.

"Yeah, it's inside the car. You can go get it yourself." He nonchalantly answered, dazed on watching his favorite show as Lisa unnie sneakily went towards his back before pinching his ears.

Serves him right...

"What did you tell me just now, Kookie?" Unnie asked, as oppa whined in pain.

"Ouch! Okay, okay. I'm going to get it." Jungkook oppa said in defeat before descending at my view.

Told you.

"You and Jungkook oppa never changed, huh?" I questioned, replacing Jungkook oppa's spot just now and changing the channel of the show into something interesting.

"Tsk... Jungkook is the one who didn't change, still watching cartoons at the aged of 18." Lisa unnie corrected and plopped herself beside me.

"So, how was your flight going here Tzu, was it good?" She curiously asked, as I smiled and nod my head.

"Yeah, who wouldn't enjoy first class flight right?" I stated making the both of us chuckle.

"The only disaster was the boy she had a fight just a while ago at the airport." Jungkook oppa suddenly butted in the conversation and then straightly walking inside the kitchen, as Lisa unnie suspiciously raised an eyebrow towards me.

Ugh! Why does Jungkook oppa had to say that?! Sometimes, I just wish he will just shut up.

"You had a fight? With a boy?" Lisa unnie suspiciously asked, as I sigh and nod my head slowly.

There's no point in hiding it now.

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