Chapter 30

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Jungkook's POV

Me and Sana were only walking towards the canteen to eat lunch with the others. When we arrived there, I noticed that Tzuyu and Yeji weren't there so I decided to ask Jin hyung and Irene noona if they saw the both of them going out or something like that.

Aigoo...... Tzuyu and Yeji are always together now, forgetting the rest of us, especially ITZY to Yeji, and V hyung to Tzuyu.

"Jin hyung, did you saw where Tzuyu and Yeji are?" I curiously asked, as my cousin stopped eating to look at me.

"Ani, I didn't saw neither one of them ever since this morning. I thought that you were all together in going here." He answered while roaming his eyes around the canteen.

Tsk, as if Jin hyung will see the both of them here, if both of them were just here I wouldn't even ask Hyung in the first place, common sense, right?

"Yeah, we were together in going here this morning but, that's just it. After we arrived at school, we started separating ways, and if I'm correct I saw Tzuyu and Yeji going together." I stated and looked at noona.

Maybe Irene noona knows something, she's always the observant one from all of us, well, next to RM hyung of course.

"How 'bout you noona, did you perhaps saw maybe just one of them going in here or going out?" I asked, as she shakes her head while gulping her food down.

"Sorry Kook, but I didn't saw neither one of them also." She apologized as I nod my head.

Even the eldest from all of us also don't know where they are. What the hell!

"Aish, where could the both of them possibly be? Lunch time is almost ending yet they still aren't here." I frustratingly ruffled my hair and looked at them when I suddenly realized something.

"And where on Earth is V hyung?" I asked and pointed at his empty seat next to my sister's also empty seat as all of them shrugged their shoulders and continued eating.

Oh God, where on Earth or maybe even on Mars could V hyung possibly be?!

And even my sister and Yeji are also missing. Damn! This is frustrating as f*uck.

"I think the principal called Taehyung oppa to go to his office just a while ago, maybe Tzuyu is also there with my brother." Dahyun suddenly stated a possibility as I smiled at her while nodding my head.

Crap, my thoughts are too exaggerated right now. Why didn't I think of that option earlier? I feel stupid as f*uck.

"Kamsahamnida Dahyun-ah. Jin hyung, I'm just going to find them." I stated and was about to walk away when Jisoo noona suddenly stopped me.

"Hajima Jungkook! I'm coming with you." She announced and got up from her seat.

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