Chapter 18

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Taehyung's POV


That's the only thing I'm feeling for these past few days after my ex came back here at Seoul. Joy always sticks around me every time at class that I sometimes wish I could literally throw her out of the window but because she's a girl, I just can't. And I know it made Tzuyu feel unwanted every time she sees both me and Joy, and that's why I'm feeling guilty to her right now. Even if I really wanted to slap in front of Joy's face that we're already over and I've already moved on, something behind my mind tells me the opposite and that's what making me confused on my feelings towards Tzuyu.

Ugh! I wish Joy didn't came back here at all! Because she's just ruining our lives, specifically mine and Tzuyu's relationship.


After that talk at Han River, me and Tzuyu decided to head home already and just skip afternoon classes. While we're driving at the main street here at Seoul, I noticed that Tzuyu became more silent after we talked about my past that it's making me worried.

"Tzuyu?" I called out as she hummed in response, still looking outside the window.

"Are you mad?" I hesitantly asked, as I glanced to see her reaction but it was only blank.

I've never seen her eyes so expressionless until just now that it made me worried more than ever.

"What are you asking Taehyung? Of course, I'm not, and why would I be mad?" She asked back, still not looking at me as I sighed.

I know, she's thinking the opposite right now.

"Because I didn't answer your question back at Han River." I answered, shooting her an apologetic look.

"Do you still have... feelings... for... her?"

"Do you still have... feelings... for... her?"

"Do you still have... feelings... for... her?"

Her words a while ago still echoed in my mind. And truthfully speaking, I wanted to tell her that I am over with my ex but, there's something stopping me from doing so.

"Taehyung, like I said a while ago, it's really okay and I understand you." She stated, this time looking at me, as she flashed me a smile.

Yeah right, I definitely know she's just faking it. Why wouldn't she just tell me the truth right now? Maybe.... She's just considering what would I feel if she tells me her thoughts?

"Thank you for understanding me, Tzuyu." I said, and held her hand.

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