Chapter 27

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Yeji's POV


Ryujin exclaimed excitedly after I told them what happened on the call from a while ago.

"Really, Tzuyu unnie already arranged our flight to Seoul later on. So, for now we need to pack our things" I informed, while the five of us are walking back to our dorm.

"Why did unnie called you by the way?" Yuna asked curiously beside me as I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, all I know is that she needs me for something important that's why I need to go back to Seoul. And because the five of us are already close with each other and to Tzuyu unnie's family, she also decided to bring the four of you along with me." I further explained, as I heard one of them sigh.

"Aish... I will really miss it here in the U.S." Lia pouted making us laughed at her childishness.

"You're really childish Lia." Chaeryeong commented as we started packing our things. While I'm busy packing mine, my mind keeps thinking on what can Tzuyu unnie's reason could possibly be when she called me a while ago.


I was busy reading something on my phone when it suddenly vibrated, showing a very familiar caller id making me smile.

"Yes unnie?" I immediately asked, positioning my phone on my ear.

"Yeji-ah, how are you there?"

"I'm perfectly fine here unnie."

"That's good to here, how about Ryujin and the others?"

"Their also fine, still childish as ever just like Jungkook oppa." I joked as the both of us laughed.

"Why did you suddenly call me, unnie?"

"Actually Yeji, um, can you perhaps do me a favor?"

"Sure, anything unnie. Your always welcome to ask me one."

"Uh, can you maybe go back here at Seoul?" She hesitantly asked.

"What do you mean to say unnie, I'm kinda confused right now." I honestly said to her because I still have no clue on what she's asking me to do.

"I mean, can you study here back at Seoul? And if you like, you can also bring Ryujin and the others with you to keep you at company. I just really need your help right now." In her tone right now, I can sense she really needs my help. Even if Tzuyu unnie can't see me, I still nod my head as a sign that I agree.

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